St. Mary’s University Student Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 16, 2017 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "St. Mary’s University Student Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 16, 2017 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Mary’s University Student Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 16, San Marcos, TX

2 Chapter Leadership Team
Position Name Major Chair Nicole Webb Electrical Engineering Co-chair Jeremy Ramirez Computer Engineering Secretary Richard Mialkowski Electrical Treasurer Elena Botello Service Chair Adam Valadez Risk Manager David Culbreth Computer Engineering Notes: Branch Counselor: Dr. Wenbin Luo

3 Chapter Updates: Previous Funding Usage
Robotics Team Parts/Components - $400 R5 Robotics Competition Fees $200 Recruitment and Retention Events - $400 Notes:

4 Our Previous Two “Major” Undertakings
Monthly Electronics workshops Raspberry Pi, Arduino R5 Robotics Competition

5 Planned Activities for the Current Year
Compete in Region 5 Robotics and Xtreme 11.0 competitions Recruitment through advertising Presence in high school robotics competitions Parts for our Region 5 competition robots Student branch meetings once every 2 weeks Collaboration with other organizations to build networking opportunities Notes: Recruitment Advertising: Presence at freshman orientation for EE,SE,CE majors. Demo robots to students in programming classes HS competitions: FIRST and BEST R5 competition: won 3rd last year, aiming higher this year. Other organizations: within school(Career Center, ASME, SPS, other RSOs) outside school: SwRI,

6 What the Funding would mean for our IEEE Chapter
Continued recruitment efforts, especially towards freshmen Outreach programs for students of our local community showcasing aspects of engineering Sponsor STMU-hosted career fairs to encourage our members to network for opportunities Partial Cost coverage for R5 parts, registration, and travel Notes:

7 Interaction with Other Funding
Funds from the CTS of IEEE and the proceeds raised through StMU’s annual Oyster Bake are used to support the activities of our student branch. Notes:


9 Questions? Thank you for your continued support

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