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2 Chat button: you can type your question and comments anytime during the webinar let us know if you want to speak

3 Hosts of Webinar Lauren Quinn Medical Student (UK) Cristina Petrut Psychologist (Romania)

4 World Health Day Depression and Diabetes -Let’s Talk
Lauren Quinn, on behalf of the IDF-Europe Youth advocates

5 Hello! & thank you for joining us!

6 Webinar outline About IDF and the Diabetes Youth Advocates
Aim of today’s session Addressing the relevance of mental health and diabetes The Theory behind depression, a psychologists’ perspective Your questions answered Discussion time Wrap up and close

7 International Diabetes Federation European Region
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF-Europe) is an umbrella organisation, comprised of national diabetes organisations from across Europe, including Diabetes UK.

8 Aims of today Realise the impact of depression and diabetes
Learn about the meaning of depression Hear your ideas and thoughts

9 Depression is… A feeling of consistently low mood, which can hugely impact on your daily life A serious mental health illness Not a weakness Nothing to be ashamed about Treatable! Something we need to talk more about!

10 Diabetes and depression- FACTS and FIGURES
1.5-2x the risk Higher rates of recurrence Depression can also lead to Type 2 diabetes Increases the risk of developing complications Diabetes complications increase the risk of depression Diagnosis Treatment Complications

11 Coping strategies…








19 Thank you!

Cristina Petrut – Romania Clinical Psychologist, Psychoterapist IDF Europe – Board Member World Health Day 2017

21 DEPRESSION????? CBT vulnerability
Irrational thinking, maladaptive emotions, passive behaviors, lack of hobbies, lack of rewards, lack of social support, etc… Trigger point Any life event – related or not to diabetes DEPRESSION hopeless - interest SAD Insomnia restless


23 What can we do?? – Treatment
CBT What can we do?? – Treatment Easy to mild depression – Psychotherapy Severe depression, bipolar depression, psychotic depression– Antidepressants +Psychotherapy

24 CBT DEPRESSION Rational cognitions: I would like to (it’s not a must), it could be worst (is not horrible and unbearable), I can do this ( not that I am not capable of doing anything good), I am a valuable human being (not I am worthless), this could’ve happen to anyone ( I am the only one going through this and I am cursed and my life is a misery), I accept things as they are and I am giving my best in that, etc… Negative functional emotions : dislike (not anger), upset (not sad), sorry (not guilty), preoccupied (not anxious), etc… Positive functional emotions : happy, pleased, acceptance, joy, etc… Functional behaviors

25 DEPRESSION CBT Awareness of depression symptoms Analyze your thoughts
Check how you feel about your diabetes

26 CBT Having diabetes and depression can have serious repercussions on your quality of life and on your physical health because of the lack of diabetes management behaviors. Seeing a psychologist is the best tool you can use in order to diminish the risks of any complications related to diabetes when having depression and talking about your problems with family, friends and healthcare professionals can improve your quality of life and can help you get through any problems and possible consequences!

27 Questions?

28 Mental health and Diabetes
Should I tell that I have diabetes? How will people see me? Does the stigmatization of diabetes, esp T2D, affect our mental health and our ways of coping with diabetes?

29 Mental health and Diabetes
Why diabetes has a special connection in the emotional part of each person and its important influence in the levels of sugar? correlation between diabetic neuropathy and pathogenesis of depression?

30 Support and treatment for mental health and diabetes
How to control depression caused by diabetes? How to control depression caused by diabetes? If national diabetes policies provide reimbursements on supportive psychological sessions esp during early diagnosis periods and key life points, can mental health issues created by diab. be eliminated? To what extent is that possible to happen?

31 Support and treatment for mental health and diabetes
If old enough, should all diagnosed T1D have a talk with a psychologist? Which group of antidepressants has proved to be most effective in the treatment of depression in patients with diabetes?

32 Coping with diabetes ‘ Accepting diabetes is a process and a journey rather than a final state of being?’ TRUE or FALSE ? My daughter was diagnosed with T1D when she was 13. Now she is 19 and I am still asking her everyday did she check her blood sugar. She is getting quite nervous when I ask that questions ...What should the parents attitude be when their daughter doesn't want to talk about D?

33 Looking forward What is the future of our condition? Are we still going to continue normal insulin doses (be it via shots or pumps). Or is there going to be some permanent cure to it (hopefully).


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