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Body Systems.

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1 Body Systems

2 Integumentary The skina nd its accessory organs- sweat glands, hair, and nails are known as the integumentary system. The skin is the largest organ of the body and can weigh more than 20 pounds in an adult The primary function of the skin is protection, but it also houses nerve receptors and regulates temperatures. There are three layers of skin- epidermis(thin outer layer), Dermis(middle layer), and subcutaneous(innermost layer)


4 Skeletal The musculoskeletal system is the combination of the muscular and skeletal systems working together and includes the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body. Each bone carries its own blood supply, nerves, and lymphatic vessels. When bones are connected, they create the skeleton. A newborn has approx. 300 bones at birth that will fuse into 206 bones as an adult. The skeleton protects vital organs and stores minerals. A joint is where 2 bones meet and are held together by a ligament.(gives skeleton flexibility)

5 Cont. Bones are one of the hardest materials in the body.
Ossification is the process of how bones form. Starts before you are born. 4 categories of bones: Long, Short, Irregular, and Flat The skeleton has two divisions, Axial skeleton and Appendicular Skeleton. Axial- forms the central axis for the whole body(head, neck, spine, chest, and trunk) Appendicular-Appendages(pectoral girdle, upper extremities, pelvic girdle, and lower extremities.

6 Cont. The spinal column is divided into five sections: Cervical vertebrae1-7, Thoracic vertebrae 1-12, lumbar vertebrae 1-5, Sacrum, and Coccyx The rib cage 12 PAIRS attached to the vertebral column 10 are attached to sternum lowest 2 “floating ribs.”

7 Muscular Muscles-bundles of tissue fibers. Contraction(Shortening)= Movement of body 3 types-Skeletal-bone movement, smooth- internal organ movement, and cardiac- heart Can be Voluntary or Involuntary Named by location, origin and insertion, size, action, fiber direction, or # of attachment points.

8 Cont. Location: rectus abdominis
Origin and Insertion: Sternocleidomastoid Size: Gluteus Maximus Action: Flexor Carpi Fiber Direction: External Oblique # of attachment points: Biceps

9 Cardiovascular AKA Circulatory system
Maintains distribution of blood throughout body Composed of heart and blood vessels(arteries, capillaries, and veins) 2 parts- Pulmonary circulation( deoxygenated blood to lungs to get oxygen then to heart),Systemic Circulation(oxygenated blood away from heart to tissues and cells then back to heart. Heart- muscular pump, 4 chambers/cavities(Atria and Ventricles) Arteries carry blood away from the heart, Veins carry blood back to the heart

10 Flow of blood through the heart


12 Digestive AKA Gastrointestinal System
Approx. 30 feet of continuous muscular tube called the gut GI tract stretches from the mouth to the anus Accessory organs participate in the digestion process but are not part of the canal such as liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and salivary glands 3 main functions- digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste Digestion begins when food enters the mouth


14 lymphatic Consists of a network of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, and tonsils Collect excess tissue fluid throughout the body and return to circulatory system This fluid is lymph Defends the body against foreign invaders and substances Lymph nodes house antibodies and work to remove pathogens


16 Respiratory Organs- Nasal Cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes, and lungs. Cells require oxygen and removal of CO2 Inhalation(inspiration)- breathing in O2 Exhalation(expiration)- breathing out CO2 Starts with Nasal cavity-- Pharynx(aka throat, where tonsils are located)— Larynx ( Voice box, contains vocal cords)-- trachea(aka windpipe, passageway for air to the bronchi)— Bronchial tubes( right and left)—Lungs(Right-3 lobes and left- 2 lobes) Diaphragm- Important- Seperated abdomen from the thoracic cavity. Respiration Rate RPM


18 Nervous system Responsible for coordinating all activity of the body using sensory receptors. Divided into CNS(Central) and PNS(Peripheral) Central- Brain and Spinal cord Peripheral- Cranial Nerves and Spinal Nerves 12 Cranial Nerves



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