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Monday 9/24/18 1. Fill out your assignment notebook for the entire week. 2. Notebook Entry: What do you think makes a boat stay afloat? When you step on.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 9/24/18 1. Fill out your assignment notebook for the entire week. 2. Notebook Entry: What do you think makes a boat stay afloat? When you step on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 9/24/18 1. Fill out your assignment notebook for the entire week. 2. Notebook Entry: What do you think makes a boat stay afloat? When you step on water you fall right in. Why do you think a boat does not do this?

2 Build a Boat Challenge- Why are we doing this?
Introduction to the skills scientists use to answer questions and solve problems.  Work in collaborative group to solve a problem. 

3 Group Names

4 Behavior Norms for Group Work
Pay attention to what other group members need.  No one is done until everyone is done.  Play your role in the group.  Help group members do things for themselves.  Listen and pay attention to what others are saying.  Explain by telling how/why.  Everyone in the group participates.  Everyone in the group helps. 

5 Roles Facilitator  2. Materials Manager  Recorder  4. Harmonizer 

6 The Challenge: Build a boat to get keys to your friends who are locked inside a historic fort only accessed by a drawbridge that has been raised.  Criteria – must do to be successful  6 keys are needed to unlock it from the inside 3 hex nuts (1 hex nut = 2 keys) Boat must float for 20 seconds. Constraints- limitations to the task  You will have 10 minutes to build the boat.  5' x 5' piece of tinfoil  Boat must fit though an opening 5 cm wide. 

7 Build a Boat – 10 minutes!!! Once you have materials.
Discuss design ideas and decide on 1 design for this 1st test. Record the design on the grid paper sheet with a side view and a top view. When you have all drawn the design have your materials manager get a basket of materials for your group.   Once you have materials. Label measurements of your boat drawing in centimeters (cm). Build your Boat Test Your Boat  - Be sure to start the timer as soon as you put the keys in the boat. Note how long it floated and how many keys it held on boat records sheet.

8 Boat Records Sheet Record the length of time your boat floated and the number of keys it held on your Boat Records Sheet Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your design and record on your Boat Records Sheet. Turn in when you are finished.

9 Do you understand the problem better now?
Sometimes, just making a first, simple try at solving the problem gives you a better understanding of the task at hand. Would you like to build a new boat with an updated design?

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