Religious family trees

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Presentation on theme: "Religious family trees"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religious family trees
Look at the connections between the different religious traditions Where do they originate from? What do they have in common?

2 Religious traditions Judaism, Christianity, Islam Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism Worldview Western, linear Eastern, cyclical Origin Abrahamic, Semitic, “people of the book”, prophetic voice Varied Sacred scripture Holy books, revealed by God (“Word of God”) Ultimate authority Some recent critical analysis (liberal views) More varied scriptures, having less absolute authority. Some revealed by God. Like a finger pointing at the moon Views of God Monotheistic, creator God, Varied: none, one, many? Purpose of life To serve God To live a life in obedience to God’s laws To follow your duty To develop good karma Afterlife To be raised to eternal life To know God for eternity Re-incarnation Enlightenment, Seek ultimate union with truth, Religious practice To worship the creator Meditation on the oneness of reality Ethics (attitudes to right and wrong) Follow God-given laws Behave in a way that creates good karma

3 Activities What are the similarities between Judaism, Christianity and Islam? Why are they called the Abrahamic faiths? What might they disagree about? How does an Eastern worldview differ from a Western worldview? What are your views on the purpose of life and the afterlife? Who do you most agree with and why? What is the difference between a religion and a tradition?


5 Prophets from the Muslim tradition
Prophets from the Bible The Tree of Prophets Islam teaches that Ibrahim (Abraham) was father to Ishac (Isaac) and Ishmael. Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus) are descendants of Ishac. Muhammad is the descendent of Ishmael.

6 People of God Prophecy Wisdom Kingdom of God God Creation Fall
Incarnation Gospel Salvation Kingdom of God Creation/ Fall People of God God Incarnation Gospel Salvation People of God Creation/Fall Incarnation Gospel Kingdom of God Salvation God Creation Incarnation Gospel Salvation Creation Incarnation Salvation © RE Today 2016

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