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Year One Meet the Teachers Lou Laurie and Anupa Vara

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1 Year One Meet the Teachers Lou Laurie and Anupa Vara
Welcome to year 1!

2 Daily Routines Doors open at 8.50am. For the first 10 minutes of the day the children will take part in a range of starter activities . After 9.00am please use the office as the register will have been taken by this time. Assembly Playtimes and in the large playground. Lunch pm. Fruit is provided at morning play. Water-please ensure your child brings a named water bottle to school daily.

3 At the beginning of the Autumn term the school day is structured in a similar way to the reception class, this ensures that the transition is smooth and enables children to settle more quickly. In the weeks ahead the school day will gradually become more structured and by half term we will be following a full timetable. We will continue to provide outdoor learning opportunities wherever possible.

4 The timetable Much of our learning in year one is cross-curricular-the children will learn through our exciting topics. The children will have four explicit English and Maths lessons and one afternoon of Science a week. In addition to this they will take part in daily phonics lessons and have opportunities to practise the weeks spellings in various ways. Other subject areas will be taught through topic work.

9.05 – 9.30 9.30 – 10.30 P LAYT IME 10:45 – 12.00 LUNCHT 1.00 – 2.30 L A Y T I M E Mon Assembly 1-1 reading ENGLISH FOCUS LINK TO TOPIC phonics & fun dictation TOPIC FOCUS Teacher interventions TIDY UP STORYTIME Tues PPA Caterpillar outdoor PE Ladybirds Spanish (-10.15) Ladybirds outdoor PE-11.30 Caterpillar Spanish phonics Wed PHSE Jigsaw Jack MATHS FOCUS PHONICS & GUIDED READING CAROUSEL Caterpillar indoor PE Ladybird indoor PE HANDWRITING Thur phonics & fun dictation SCIENCE FOCUS Fri Celebration Assembly ART/D.T (SHARON) CATERPILLARS LADYBIRDS ICT (ANUPA) LADYBIRDS CATERPILLARS SPRING TERM-ART WITH KATE ½ PER TERM INTRODUCE NEW SPELLINGS 1:1 READERS/HANDWRITING CATCH UP GOLDEN TIME

6 Our topics for the year….
Autumn Term: Funnybones-All About me Christmas mini theme. Spring Term: A journey through space and time. Summer Term: Deadly 60, creepy crawlies and gorgeous gardens.

7 Friday Funday As we will have covered the majority of the core subjects from Monday –Thursday our Fridays will focus on art, design and technology. The morning will be split into two halves. Mrs Shand will teach all of year one an art/design lesson (that has been planned with the teachers) throughout the morning and Miss Vara (our ICT lead) will teach the same ICT lesson to all of year one throughout the morning.

8 Friday afternoons After such a busy week the children in year one get to enjoy GOLDEN TIME on a Friday afternoon. New spellings are introduced and sent home. The adults use golden time to catch up on reading with individual children. There will also be a TA led fine motor group running for any children that the teacher thinks will benefit.

9 Reading Books The children will take part in Individual and/or Guided reading once a week Books are changed weekly, so please return them when your child has confidently read their book to you. There is no set day for reading. Please ensure that you sign the reading record so we know your child has read with you at home. Later in the term we will introduce the Lending library. The children will have opportunities to choose books from our school library that you can share at home.

10 PE The children will take part in two PE lessons a week. Outdoor PE with Mr Bateman on TUESDAY MORNING and indoor PE with the class teacher on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. Please send your child to school in PE clothes on these days. If possible-No laces please! For safety reasons all long hair must be tied up and no jewellery is permitted

11 Home learning Instant recall facts-we will be sending home instant recall maths facts each half term for the children to learn. In addition to this, later in the term we will send home number bonds maths homework. Reading and learning tricky word trucks Ten spelling words will be sent home weekly. These will focus on the weeks phonic sounds and may include some common exception words. The children are encouraged to attempt writing these words in cursive script.

12 Other useful information
Handwriting policy –We follow the letter-join scheme and all of the children in the school will be learning cursive handwriting. Phonics – We practise phonics daily focusing on a new sound every day. If you would like to help your child at home has some great phonics games for your child to play. We are recapping the previous sounds and will soon be introducing alternative sounds.

13 Please make sure all your child’s clothing is NAMED
Please make sure all your child’s clothing is NAMED. Please ensure coats, PE kits and water bottles/packed lunches are also clearly named. Our Year 1 Blog is updated weekly and sent out every Thursday with AxiChat. Please check it for our learning topics and homework activities. Please look at the Communication board outside the classroom for daily information.

14 Mystery reader? PHSE Jigsaw Jack Curriculum-The children will explore PHSE through our school scheme. These lessons will take place every Wednesday morning.

15 School trips & parent helpers
If you would like to help out in the classroom or on school trips please let us know. If you volunteer regularly please see the office about obtaining a DBS check. During the Autumn term we will be: Visiting Richmond Park looking for signs of Autumn. Visiting Tudor Drive library. Christmas pantomime.

16 Thank you for coming! Who are our class Reps? Any questions?

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