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How Title IX became an ideological battering ram

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1 How Title IX became an ideological battering ram
Katherine McMillan and Samuel Moore

2 Summary of the Article Should federal court manange dress codes
Women have strived under Title IX Title IX was a huge success

3 What is Title IX Federal Civil Rights Law in the US that was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972 “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance” Title IX-Wikipedia

4 Benefits of Title IX The Success of Women since 1970s in educational institutions Women’s High School and College Sports increased ( Even Gold Medal Recipients) Women consist of 56% of college students ( on average earning better grades than men) Women Enrolling in higher education in greater numbers than men including Graduate, Law and Medical School

5 Opposition to Title IX The ACLU and The National Women’s Center of Law argue that Title IX are violating rights regarding inappropriate attire and invoking gender stereotypes

6 Issues with Title IX Lesser burden of proof for institutions investigations of sexual assault, a year long suspension for guilty person, as opposed to school suspension for cheating but not sexual assault Gender Identity- School Bathrooms Dress codes for males and females

7 Proposed Solutions Changes under current President’s administration - concerning sexual assault- from “preponderance” to “clear and convincing evidence” 2017 The Education Department announced that Title IX did not allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their gender identities Do you agree with these amendments?

8 3 Main Takeaways Title IX was a huge success for breaking down barriers Women have excelled in school and out of school Should we revise Title IX

9 Thought Provoking Questions
Do you think Title IX needs revision to suit today’s standards regarding sexual assault claims? Do you think Title IX is a hindrance or a positive contribution to our educational institutions? Do you think school handbooks or guidelines for dress codes are biased based on male/female requirements? Do you think more high schools should use school uniforms? I added the question about the school uniforms because when I was in high school this became a big debate.

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