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Phylogenetics of Cyprinodontiformes

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1 Phylogenetics of Cyprinodontiformes
J.Ryce Martin

2 Introduction Pre 1981, Cyprinodontiformes (order of killifishes) classified by viparity Now combination of morphological and molecular data are used to calculate relatedness I used sequence alignment of the cytochrome b gene to construct a strict consensus parsimony tree, bootstrap values for the parsimony tree, and a distance neighbor-joining tree

3 50% majority rule consensus of 9 parsimony trees
Fundulidae Rivulidae Aplocheilidae Poecilidae 50% majority rule consensus of 9 parsimony trees Fundulids are separated by two separate families Lucania may be part of fundulidae but also has similar sequences to Rivulids and Aplocheilids could be evidence to polyphyletic origins all individuals in three families are closely related almost creating own clade Can see why everything was grouped in Cyprinodontidae Anablepids are seeming less related to all other taxa Goodeidae Profundulidae Cyprinodontidae Anablepidae

4 My taxa of fundulidae at top is dividing costa’s similar clade
Rivulidae Aplocheilidae Fundulidae Profundulidae Goodeidae Poeciliidae Valenciidae Anablepidae Profundulus Cyprinodontidae Beloniformes My parsimony tree Costa 1998 My taxa of fundulidae at top is dividing costa’s similar clade Goodeidae and profundulidae work good, they should be off of fundulidae If goodeidae and profundulidae were moved to to lower fundulidae, then tree may look a little better

5 Rivulidae Aplocheilidae Fundulidae Profundulidae Poeciliidae Valenciidae Anablepidae Goodeidae Profundulus Cyprinodontidae Beloniformes My parsimony tree Parenti 1981

6 Ran bootstrap in same order of text file
100 92 100 100 98 93 97 83 96 87 100 72 99 100 92 100 80 87 Ran bootstrap in same order of text file 69 74 100 100

7 Neighbor-joining of distance between taxa
taxa with less distance join together taxa with next less distance join on next node Neotropical fish are mixed up

8 Conclusions Parsimony and Neighbor-Joining did not match up well
Could be due to different methods used Bootstrap values appeared pretty good Many branches collapsed creating polytomies Hard polytomy Family tree doesn’t match up well to literature I used cyt b they used morphology and Trysine kinase X-src gene

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