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US History Tuesday, March 27th, 2018.

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1 US History Tuesday, March 27th, 2018

2 Warm Up Learning Target: I will identify major concerns of the Big Four Allies following WWII. What were the four goals the Allies had after the end of WWII? Name two concerns the US might have had after WWII (political, economic, military, etc...)

3 Announcements Binder check tomorrow, Wednesday 3/27
Quiz corrections due next Tuesday, 4/3 Homework next Monday, 4/2 Ch (pg ) Quarter ends next Friday 4/6. ALL missing work needs to be turned in by that date.

4 Big Four Conference Each table group will represent one of the major powers after WWII. You will read a Background Briefing on your country’s security concerns and then present to the other members of your group. Soviet Union USA Great Britain France

5 Big Four Conference Read your assigned background briefing.
Answer the questions from the yellow worksheet (Background Briefing) in your notebook Make sure you understand the answers to these questions: What are your country’s security concerns? What lessons from history make you worried about these things? What are the major threats to world peace?

6 Big Four Conference Get together with the other table group who has your country. Decide who will present (two people). These are the questions you should answer: What are the primary security concerns expressed by each country? What are the lessons of history (from the perspective of 1946) upon which these concerns are based? According to each country, what are the major threats to world peace? Send someone to write the answers to these on the board underneath your country (bullet point form is fine)

7 Big Four Conference Presentation Order: Soviet Union, USA, Great Britain, France Each country should present in the order listed. As you listen, make sure you write down the answer for each question for each country: What are the primary security concerns expressed by each country? What are the lessons of history (from the perspective of 1946) upon which these concerns are based? According to each country, what are the major threats to world peace? If they don’t answer a question, ask them when they are finished!

8 Debrief Conflict between the “West” (US, UK, & France) and the “East” (Soviet Union) How are each country’s values related to the conflict? How does geography play a role in the conflict?

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