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Progressive Reforms in Action

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1 Progressive Reforms in Action
Progressive Era Progressive Reforms in Action

2 Political Reforms As with business, Progressives seek to make government more efficient: LOCAL REFORM: Commission Governments: city gov’t run by a group of experts Council-Manager Government: City Council elected, then appoints an expert manager to run city – like a business. Reform Mayors: fight corruption, take utilities out of private corporation hands

3 Political Reforms Governors play a large role: Robert Lafollette
STATE REFORMS Governors play a large role: Initiatives - bill can originate with people Robert Lafollette Reform governor of Wisconsin Referendum - public vote on initiative Worked to reform railroads and other big business/ keep them out of government Recall -voters can remove official before term is up Secret Ballot - protect voters

4 Political Reforms NATIONAL REFORMS
16TH Amendment – established income tax permanently (replaces tariff as largest income source) 17th Amendment – Direct election of Senators 18th Amendment – Prohibition of Alcohol (Volstead Act)

5 Women Fight for Equality
The battle for equality continues: Women are active Progressives Female industrial workers push for changes in safety, economic equality Emergence of women’s colleges – more opportunity outside the home Suffrage is major issue – Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton lead the way Some states begin to grant suffrage. WY in 1869, CO, UT, and ID in 1890’s

6 Protecting Workers Many Progressive Reform efforts focus on protecting workers: 1896 – Illinois Factory Act prohibits child labor 1908 – Muller v. Oregon – 10 Hour workday for women 1916 – Keating-Owen Act bans shipment of goods manufactured by children across state lines


8 Other Progressive Reforms
Educational- Growth of public education / high schools Standardization of medical / law schools Social Sciences as “science” Consumer- Building codes / zoning laws Insurance regulation Creation of FDA based on Sinclair’s book Pure Food and Drug Act Truth in Labeling

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