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Mrs. McAllen (that is my name)

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. McAllen (that is my name)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. McAllen (that is my name)

2 Make Wise Choices and Do Your Best


4 What Do We Have To Do In and Out of Class?
Read Write Speak Listen Bring folder, notebook, completed assignments, books, and materials to class everyday.

5 Expectations Be Familiar with F-M Handbook.
Students are expected to participate in and contribute positively to all class activities. Respect yourself and others. Use appropriate manners, language, and actions. You are Responsible and Accountable for Yourself. Prepare Yourself: Get your business done before class begins, have assignments prepared, and class materials ready. TRY to use the first 5 minutes or last 5 minutes.

6 Drink and containers are prohibited in the classroom.
(unless you have Dr./nurse permission) Snacks are OK – not feasts. (DISCUSS) Avoid touching or getting into things that do not belong to you. Keep all electronic devices, phones, as well as connectors to a device away and out of sight. If you need to leave the classroom for any reason, ask, complete sign out sheet, and take a pass.

7 Assignments / Projects:
Posted on FM web-page, presented orally, and written on the whiteboard. Some items may be available on Schoology. ALL assignments are due when the deadline is given. Deadlines MUST BE MET… I WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK. Definition of late = not turned in during collection time. *See Handbook regarding incomplete assignments* Extensions will be provided due to student absence (this does not include athletic event early dismissal-DISCUSS) or due to IEP requirements. If you are absent – ask the teacher for assignments/assessments/ activities when you miss class. You will have 3 days upon returning to complete missed assignments.

8 Assignments / Projects continued…
-Each assignment is graded in 2 ways. -Accountability Points (Each week you can earn 10 pts) - Percentage Grade -If an assignment is not turned in, you will earn a zero percent and you lose 1 point from 10 A.P. points. You will not lose P.G. points. Loss of A.P. can also occur due to your behavior Extra Credit: Can be earned every week via. Bellringer (Will be explained in detail)

9 Appropriate Consequences:
***Degree of designation may vary according to the offense: Step One: Verbal / nonverbal warning Step Two: “Contemplation Station” - Get back on track… Time-out, Re-locate, think and discuss wise choices and plans for your success in learning and behavior. Parental / Family contact. Step Three: Written Office Referral Parental / Family contact

10 **** Severe Claus: Removal from classroom due to severe disruption, harm to you or others, or any situation deemed necessary for removal. **** Refer to Student Handbook for further rules and regulations****

11 Tell Everyone that THIS IS Your Favorite Class…
- Contact information…. school = or Ext. 3059

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