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DO THIS NOW… Form the assigned groups Log into computers

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1 DO THIS NOW… Form the assigned groups Log into computers
Then discuss the following question with one another: “How can you make an impact on your local government? Brainstorm some ideas with your group.” You have 2 minutes. Be prepared to share with the class

2 How can you influence Nevada’s government?

3 Overview of Next Four Classes
10/3 or 10/4: Introduction of pressing Nevada issue Assigning stakeholder roles regarding issue Research stakeholder views regarding issue 10/8 or 10/9 Sharing research with fellow stakeholders Creating answers/claims in response to Town Hall questions 10/10 or 10/11 Mock Town Hall to share views of ALL stakeholders 10/12 Introduction to op-ed writing and online publishing Class time to work on op-eds

4 History of Question 3 Purpose of Question 3: 2016 Election
Amendment to NV Constitution Deregulation of energy Break up NV Energy Monopoly 2016 Election Introduced by Switch and Las Vegas Sands Corporation Voters given power to decide on fate in 2016 and election Favorability: 72% voted in favor 28% voted against

5 Question 3 Today Current split in views: Spending on both sides
54% in favor 16% against 30% undecided Spending on both sides $20 - $30 million spent supporting question 3 $30 – $42 million spent opposing question 3 Date of vote November 6, 2018

6 Question 3 Stakeholders
Big businesses Casinos Tech companies NV Energy Current energy monopoly Everyday Nevadans Teachers Miners Farmers The Retired Environmental Groups Alternate energy groups Other energy companies NV Energy competition

7 Choosing Stakeholders
Choose one group member with fast reflexes Have that group member come to the front of the room to compete with other group members to grab a stakeholder assignment On count of 3, grab the piece of paper you want First hand on the paper is who gets it

8 Brainstorming Stakeholder Interests
Read the provided stakeholder questions Appoint a recorder for the group Then, work together to answer the questions Make sure everybody is participating in the group discussion before committing an answer to paper Remember, this is BRAINSTORMING – there are no wrong or right answers You have 15 minutes

9 Creating Guiding Questions
Log onto the class website: Download the reading that matches your group’s stakeholder Read the document Use the question matrix to generate AS MANY questions as you can as a group that you could use to guide your research into Question 3 You have 15 minutes

10 Researching Evidence for Side
On the back of the reading, you will find links for additional research into your stakeholder’s perspective As a group, split up the links for additional research On your own, research your assigned articles Download the evidence tracker on the class website and use it to record your research: Record title of article you have read Record evidence WITH integration phrases that support your stakeholder’s viewpoints Briefly explain how the selected evidence supports the stakeholder’s viewpoints Be sure to save your evidence tracker to your google account You have the rest of class to work on this

11 Walk of Kindness on Friday
Reminders Finish reading, researching, and recording evidence for assigned article for homework – have them complete by Monday/Tuesday of next week Walk of Kindness on Friday

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