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Friendship and Dating List 2 reasons why we seek and need friendship? List 2 reasons why we seek and need friendship? Sharing activities with someone Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Friendship and Dating List 2 reasons why we seek and need friendship? List 2 reasons why we seek and need friendship? Sharing activities with someone Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friendship and Dating List 2 reasons why we seek and need friendship? List 2 reasons why we seek and need friendship? Sharing activities with someone Communication Being liked and appreciated Trusting and being trusted Confiding in someone

2 What is the clearest sign that a relationship with someone is not a true friendship? What is the clearest sign that a relationship with someone is not a true friendship? When one person is being used by the other

3 List 3 other signs of artificial or fake friends. List 3 other signs of artificial or fake friends. Insincerity – saying or doing things that you dont really mean Compromise – not being true to your values in order to please someone else Lack of loyalty – not staying by someone when he or she really needs you

4 List and briefly explain the 4 levels of friendship. List and briefly explain the 4 levels of friendship. Acquaintances – say hi to someone in hallway, peer group which may apply pressures Casual friendship – people with whom you feel comfortable sharing activities and interests Close friendship – takes much time and sustained commitment to arrive at this level Intimate friendship – very special and rare

5 Define Clique. Define Clique. Very tight group of friends that will not allow others to enter How can a clique have a negative affect on a person who has been excluded from it? How can a clique have a negative affect on a person who has been excluded from it? Can be very damaging to persons opinion of his/her self worth

6 What is a good rule to guide your behavior when you are trying to be a friend to have a friend? What is a good rule to guide your behavior when you are trying to be a friend to have a friend? Would I want him/her to treat me like this?

7 List at least 5 reasons or purposes for dating List at least 5 reasons or purposes for dating Learning to be comfortable with members of the opposite sex Getting to know people Accepting responsibility Providing opportunities for building a sense of independence Gaining acceptance from a special person whose opinion you value highly Selecting a future marriage partner

8 List reasons why it is a good idea to set dating standards. List reasons why it is a good idea to set dating standards. Leads to more successful dates More confident and successful in dating Communication will be improved What is the differences between dating and going steady? What is the differences between dating and going steady? Dating – group, double or single dating Going steady – commitment to date only that one person

9 The likelihood of successful relationships in marriage and in raising children hinges on what? The likelihood of successful relationships in marriage and in raising children hinges on what? Choices made during the dating process

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