What do you think are the 3 most popular street names in Britain

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1 What do you think are the 3 most popular street names in Britain
What do you think are the 3 most popular street names in Britain? (clue: they are named after people in history)

2 By Order Of The New King Charles II April 1660 Oliver Cromwell’s body must be dug up and hung. His head must then be put on a spike in London for all to see. Why?


4 Timeline of events: January 1649: Charles I is executed
September 1651 : Charles’ son tries to re-capture the throne but fails. April 1653 : Oliver Cromwell uses soldiers to close Parliament down. December 1653 : Oliver Cromwell is crowned as ‘Lord Protector’ September 1658 : Oliver Cromwell dies. April 1660 : Charles’ son becomes Charles II.

5 Under Cromwell’s rule, music, games, gambling and dancing were banned.
1 Cromwell was brutal to the Catholics of Ireland. He slaughtered any who refused to surrender. 2 Cromwell was a brilliant military commander and a respected politician. His army became the strongest in Europe . Cromwell could be ruthless. He got rid of any commanders he thought were not good enough. 3 Cromwell did not abuse his power when he became Lord Protector. He lived in a palace because he had to. 4 5 Under Cromwell’s rule, music, games, gambling and dancing were banned. 6 Cromwell sometimes put his enemies in prison. He was against giving more men the vote. Sort the numbers in to 2 columns. 7 8 9 Cromwell was a very religious man and believed he should help people behave better so they could get to heaven. Cromwell had planned to take power from Charles all along. He became like a King. When Parliament refused to let people worship how they wanted, Cromwell closed it down. He encouraged freedom.

6 Hero or Villain? Cromwell was a hero Cromwell was a villain
Could ask pupils to place a post-it on with their name to get a class snapshot.

7 This statue stands outside the Houses Of Parliament and was put up in However, not all MPs agreed that it should be there. Why do you think some MPs disagreed with it? Task: In no more than 150 words, write to the Leader Of the House Of Commons explaining why you agree or disagree with the statue being there. I agree/ disagree with this statue being put up outside Parliament because…

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