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Parent’s meet and greet – Monday 26th September

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1 Parent’s meet and greet – Monday 26th September
Welcome to Reception Parent’s meet and greet – Monday 26th September

2 Meet the reception team
Key workers Once the children have completely settled and are familiar with the reception routines, we will assign each of the children a key worker. Your key worker will be a member of our team that your child feels comfortable with. When you have any questions or concerns you can initially speak with your child’s key worker. However, all practitioners will form part of your child’s learning journey throughout their time in nursery. Your child’s class teacher will still be responsible for their progress and education.

3 Learning Each term we have a themed topic –
Autumn = All about me and Celebration Spring = Superheroes and New life Summer = Traditional tales and Dinosaurs We assess your children’s learning through observations of their daily activities. We note in particular the learning demonstrated spontaneously, independently and consistently. Evidence of your children’s learning is collected through photographs, written observations and examples of their work. We welcome any comments from you about your child’s learning at home. Special Books We record your child’s learning journey in two special books which cover the seven areas of learning. We will invite you to look at your child’s special books regularly and make contributions per half-term

4 School Policy Uniform Uniform is required for all children from nursery up to Year 6. Uniform can be bought from the front office. Children must bring a PE kit to school on their PE days. The school PE kit is a white T-Shirt, Blue shorts or joggers and black plimsolls. Sensible shoes. If your child wears wellingtons to school, they will need to have a change of shoe for in the classroom. Weather can be unpredictable, please make sure your child has a coat or sweater for outside. Please label all clothes with your child’s name. Please bring a set of spare clothes and expect that your child will get wet and/or messy quite often – it is part of their learning!

5 School Healthy Eating Policy
Fruit, vegetables, milk & water are available throughout the sessions. You can bring bottled water in a labelled bottle– please do not bring flavoured water, juice, fizzy drinks etc. Only healthy snacks should be brought for birthday treats – and/or donate a book to nursery. School dinners is free and accessible for all children. Packed lunches should contain a range of healthy snacks

6 Attendance and Punctuality
Our target is 97% attendance – we will post the weekly attendance on the parents board. You will need to inform the school if your child is going to be absent. You will need a letter from the doctor if your child is absent for 3 days or more. You will need to inform us if you are going to be late. On occasions that you are late you will need to drop or pick up your child from the front desk. You will also need to sign a late book. Gate closes at 8.50 am

7 Parental involvement Homework and Projects Story books
Friday shared reading ( ) Name writing daily ( ) Stay and play sessions 50p donations MAGIC Habits at home Parent-teacher association

8 Friendship Friday On the last Friday of every month we celebrate Friendship! A child in every class is given a certificate for showing good friendship to others. This is important as it shows children the importance of working well with their peers and having strong friendships. Even the Adults get involved by giving certificates to each other. We ask that all children wear Denim Jeans on Friendship Friday- it is not a non-uniform day. We will give all children a Friendship T-Shirt to keep in school for Friendship Friday.

9 When he washed his hands all on his own.
Motivation Positive Attitude Gumption Independence Communication Peter Used – Independence When he washed his hands all on his own.

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