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Assassination in Sarajevo.

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Presentation on theme: "Assassination in Sarajevo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assassination in Sarajevo.
L.O: To know why the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand started World War One.


3 Two Gangs: 1889 The Triple Alliance. 1907 Germany The Triple Entente.
Austria- Hungary Italy. 1907 The Triple Entente. France Russia Great Britain.

4 The spark that ignites the fight. KEY QUESTIONS.
Why? Who? Where? When? How?

5 Who When. How Why Where.


7 Name of your paper. Headline of the event. Date:……….. Picture of the event. The story of What happened on the day. Include eye Witness reports Quotes Interviews. Facts about the Day. Facts about The black hand.

8 Why was World War I fought in trenches?
L.O. To examine the causes of Trench Warfare and the structure of trenches Effective participant

9 What cunning plan did the Germans come up with?
The German generals knew that: The French and Russians were allies and so they would have to fight both. Russia and France were either side of Germany and so they could be invaded on two sides. Russia was a big country and so it would take a long time to get their soldiers organised. France had strong defences along its border with Germany. However Belgium had few defences and borders with both Germany and France.

10 What did they do? The Schlieffen Plan
The plan stated that the Germans would invade France through Belgium and capture Paris within 6 weeks. They would then put their soldiers on trains and send them to Russia who would be slower to mobilise their troops. This would mean that they would avoid French defences and avoid fighting on two fronts.


12 What happened? Watch the clip and list the reasons why the plan failed

13 Why did this plan fail? The Belgium's resisted and slowed down the Germans The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) arrived and slowed them down at the Battle of Mons The Germans couldn’t circle round Paris. The Russians mobilised quickly and invaded Germany from the east. The French stopped the Germans at the Battle of the Marne

14 What effected did this have?
The Germans were stopped. The plan had failed. The Germans fell back to the River Aisne. They didn’t want to retreat any further so dug trenches to protect themselves. The British then did the same. They then dug trenches for over 400 miles between the ports and Switzerland. Neither side could move the others far. This was stalemate.

15 Copy and label, adding reasons or each

16 Copy this diagram

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