Oh the things you need to know…

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Presentation on theme: "Oh the things you need to know…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oh the things you need to know…

2 Parent Conferences All 3 teachers will be meeting with parents this Fall. Parents will be able to sign up online for a conference time that is convenient for them. We will be using Sign Up Genius. There will be a link on our Teacher Webpage. Of course, we are always available by .

3 Communication Edlio Updates Student Planner Email Telephone
Warning Slips

4 This cannot be an email to the teacher.
Transportation Please let the front office know if there is a change in writing by 3:20. This cannot be an to the teacher. Options: YMCA Before and After School Care Bus Transportation Car Riders Walkers and Bicycle Riders

5 Parents may pre-pay student meal costs on www.parentonline.net
Cafeteria Breakfast 8:10 -8:35 5th Lunch 12:05-12:35 Parents may pre-pay student meal costs on

6 Birthdays may be celebrated in the Cafeteria by either purchasing ice cream passes for the entire class or bringing a sweet treat to share Birthday Guidelines Communicate with classroom teachers in advance to avoid more than one celebration on a specific day. Provide individual treats ( no prizes) that can be easily served. Parents will distribute treats the last 10 minutes of the lunch time. Only students in the birthday child’s homeroom receive treats. Due to confidentiality, no photos are to be taken of your child with other children. District safety guidelines prohibit helium balloons in our building. *Please only send birthday party invitations with your child to school if each classmate, or all boys or all girls are invited.

7 We know you juggle a lot of things…
Please make every effort to have your child at school every day.  5th grade moves fast! If possible, schedule appointments from 8:00-9:45

8 a note is required following any absence:
Excused absences are listed in the handbook, but those include an illness, doctor visit, religious holiday.   Unexcused absences are vacations or a day off from school for no reason covered under excused absences.   Also, if we never receive a note explaining the absence, it will become unexcused.

9 The Perfect Attendance Award is presented to any student who:
Did not miss any days (could have left during the day for a doctor visit but must return with the doctor note), and did not have any early releases or tardies.  Students  receive a certificate, medal, and are entered into a drawing for a nice prize (we have given fitbits the last two years) Parents and students are invited to attend the Attendance Awards Ceremony.

10 all A’s on the report card, and all E ‘s or S’s in conduct
The President’s Education Award of Outstanding Academic Excellence (Gr 1—5) 97% attendance, all A’s on the report card, and all E ‘s or S’s in conduct  5th Grade students will receive a special certificate from the President of the United States and US Secretary of Education and a medal at the commencement ceremony.

11 Make up Work Students need to come in at 7:45 in the mornings
(use the teacher parking lot door) or after school 4:00-5:00 (send a note and pick up as a car rider at the front of the school at 5)

12 Homework: may be averaged as 1 daily grade
Grading Policy Major Grades – 60% Daily Grades - 40% Homework: may be averaged as 1 daily grade Late work: 1 day-10 points 2 days–20 points 3 days–grade of Zero

13 Homework Read 20-30 minutes every night
A Homework Folder will be sent home every day. It may include: Read minutes every night Complete math assignments and/or online lesson Study for Science & Social Studies Quizzes Homework is written in their planners and is due each day.

14 Classroom Consequences for Warning Slips
0–Excellent! Yeah! 1-2 Satisfactory 3–4 Needs Improvement 5+ Unsatisfactory The student’s 9 week conduct grades will be based on the number of warning Slips. any office referral results in a conduct letter drop. This will start over each 9 weeks.

15 STAAR will focus on “Depth”.
Important Dates STAAR will focus on “Depth”. Math April 10, 2018 **SSI Reading April 11, 2018 *SSI Science May 16, 2018 **Re-test Math May 14, 2018 **Re-test Reading May 15, 2018

16 Service Projects November 2017 Angel Tree December 2017
Fleece Blankets

17 Thank you for coming!

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