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The Biosphere.

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1 The Biosphere

2 I. Ecology: Study of the interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment.
1. biotic factors – living organisms 2. abiotic factors – nonliving parts like soil, air, water

3 Levels of Organization What do atoms combine to make?

4 Levels of Organization With regards to living things, what do molecules combine to make?

5 Levels of Organization Organelle’s such as chloroplasts and mitochondria combine to make up what?

6 Levels of Organization
Organelle’s such as chloroplasts and mitochondria combine to make up what? Cells can combine to make up tissues, which work together to form what???

7 Levels of Organization
Organs like the heart, stomach, lungs, kidneys, make up the next level of organization, which is…

8 Levels of Organization
Organ systems such as circulatory, nervous, digestive, and reproductive work together to form an ….

9 Levels of Organization Organism Organisms of the same species living in the same area form a population.

10 All of the populations in an area make up a community.
The community combined with all abiotic factors is referred to as an…

11 Ecosystems make up biomes and finally, the combined biomes all make up the…

12 Ecosystems make up biomes and finally, the combined biomes all make up the…BIOSPHERE.
Biosphere: the regions of the atmosphere, surface, and hydrosphere of the earth occupied by organisms.

13 12. biosphere – includes:

14 Energy is the capacity to do work
Energy is the capacity to do work. It can be measured in joules, electron volts, or calories.

15 Potential energy: energy stored as a result of an object’s position or the chemical bonds that make up the substance such as sugar, wood, coal, or lipids.

16 Kinetic energy: the quantity of work needed to establish the motion of an object. Work is measured in calories.

17 Thermodynamics: heat transfer related to properties such as pressure, density, surface area, and volume. Therma = heat, Dyna = power, ic = related to

18 First Law of Thermodynamics: energy is not created nor destroyed.
Energy can be stored in different forms but is never created by living things.

19 Second Law of Thermodynamics: the total entropy of an isolated system tends to increase over time. Entropy is a lack of order; essentially an increase in chaos. “Rest in peace boiling water, you will be mist...”

20 6CO2 + 12 H2O + photons  C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2
Photosynthesis: Process by which photon (particle of light) energy (E=hf) is converted into chemical energy.

21 Aerobic Cellular Respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O  6CO2 + 12H2O + energy

22 Chemosynthesis: Bacteria reduce sulfides or oxidize methane to produce sugar. Essentially, they take inorganic matter and convert it into organic matter. CO2 + 4H2S + O2 -> CH20 + 4S + 3H2O Takes place near hydrothermal vents and some hot springs.

23 Flow of Energy Through Ecosystems
Trophic level refers to an organism’s place within a food chain. Trophe= Greek word meaning “food”

24 Flow of Energy Through Ecosystems
Only 10% of energy is stored (the rest is lost or used up) when an organism from one level of the Pyramid is eaten by an organism from one level above.

25 Producers occupy the 1st level and include autotrophs such as plants, algae, and some bacteria.
Primary consumers include heterotrophs that eat producers. Examples include giraffes, deer, krill, copepods.

26 Secondary consumers include heterotrophs that eat primary consumers
Secondary consumers include heterotrophs that eat primary consumers. Examples include foxes, lizards, and sardines. Tertiary consumers a carnivore at the topmost level in a food chain that feeds on other carnivores.

27 Specialists omnivores – eat plants and animals Detritivores - feed on detritus, bits of decaying organic matter

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