Lincoln and the Civil War

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Presentation on theme: "Lincoln and the Civil War"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lincoln and the Civil War

2 How Did Lincoln React to the War?
Main goal was to preserve the union Increased size of the navy Ordered naval blockade of the south Increased military spending without Congress’s approval All of these actions broadened executive authority!

3 Military Strategies NORTH SOUTH Relied on resources and technology
Destroy Confederate army and all Southern resources that supported the war effort Attack the Union repeatedly, inflicting casualties, and wearing them down Hoped to gain aid from France and Britain Both strategies unsuccessful

4 Emancipation Proclamation
January 1, 1863 Freed all slaves in rebellious states Holds more symbolic value because Union could not enforce it.

5 Emancipation Proclamation Effects
185,000 African Americans enlisted in Union. Freed slaves in rebellious states, but permitted it in states that were part of the Union. Decreased the chances of European aid to the South Humanitarian objective to the war

6 Battle of Gettysburg First time Lee ventures North (PA) in hopes to end the war. South attacked quickly, unorganized, and were defeated with heavy casualties. Approx. 50,000 died in 3 days

7 Gettysburg Address (November 1863)
Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address “Four score and seven years ago, our father’s brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that Nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long Endure…” “…that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have Died in vain… and that government of the people, by the People, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Gettysburg Address (November 1863) Lincoln dedicated Union military cemetery at Gettysburg. Main Ideas: No man died in vain. Actions of the brave men who fought and died to preserve the Union as well as freedom must not be forgotten.

8 Sherman’s March to the Sea (1864-1865)
Led Union army of 100,000 men into Atlanta, Georgia Army marched to the east coast, leaving a 50-mile wide path of destruction. Destroyed bridges, barns, livestock, railroad, and crops Catalysts for the end of the war.

9 What is Sherman travelling along? Why?

10 Appomattox Court House (1865)
(April 9th) After 4 years of war, approximately 630,000 deaths and over 1 million wounded, Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S Grant.

11 Appomattox Terms Lee’s soldiers were freed and sent home with personal possessions, horses, and three days worth of rations. Officers were permitted to keep firearms.

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