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Chapter 8, Part 3.

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1 Chapter 8, Part 3

2 Saratoga Why significant?

3 French aid France still angry at Britain…
Saw this as their chance to regain power

4 Benjamin Franklin Sent to negotiate with France Dressed symbolically:
White walking stick Simple cap American made clothes

5 Meanwhile… 1777- British basically offered colonists “colonial home rule” All they had wanted except independence Too little, too late

6 French Alliance New trade privileges to Americans
Both countries would fight until Am. Independence was won Neither would sign a peace treaty without the consent of the other Guaranteed to protect each other’s territories “now and forever”

7 World War? Spain also entered on American and French side (also Holland) War spread to Europe, South America, Caribbean, and Asia

8 America + France “Daddy and I killed the bear”
From , France supplied: Guns Money Equipment Half of armed forces Almost all naval power

9 Indians in the War Most Indians allied with the British “Hair buyers”
Oneidas and Tuscaroras sided with Americans, pretty much everyone else sided with British

10 British allies Senecas, Mohawks, Cayugas, Onondagas
Joseph Brant (Mohawk chief) urged Indians to side with Britain: Believed British would stop American expansion into the west

11 Treaty of Fort Stanwix First treaty signed between United States and Indian nation Pro-British Iroquois Indians ceded lots of land

12 Yorktown Colonial win Parliament begins calling for peace

13 Peace at Paris King George wanted to keep fighting but British tired of war Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay arrived in Paris to negotiate Supposed to keep France in the loop according to Congress

14 France’s game Wanted to keep America small and weak
Planned to give land west of Appalachians to Spain: In thanks for helping during the war Also to keep America small and weak

15 John Jay suspicious Makes separate treaty with Britain

16 Treaty of Paris 1783 Britain formally recognized America’s independence Boundaries: west- Mississippi north- Great Lakes south- Spanish Florida

17 Treaty of Paris 1783 Americans had to: Not persecute Loyalists
Congress was to recommend that confiscated Loyalist property be restored Let British collect debts from before the war






23 Interactive Notebook section 3
Count 3 pages from the review pages in the very back: Label: 1. Rebellions/Revolts 2. Wars 3. Treaties

24 Rebellions/Revolts

25 Rebellions/Revolts Bacon’s Rebellion- 1676- Virginia
Pueblo Revolt/Popé’s Rebellion New Mexico Stono Rebellion South Carolina Pontiac’s Rebellion Great Lakes Region

26 Wars Pequot War- 1630s- British vs. Pequots over land
French and Indian War American Revolution

27 Treaties Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 Treaty of Paris 1763
Treaty of Fort Stanwix 1784

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