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Chapter 1 Review.

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1 Chapter 1 Review

2 Physiology is the study of the function of the body and body parts
True or False Physiology is the study of the function of the body and body parts

3 Tissues are more complex than an organ.
True or False Tissues are more complex than an organ.

4 True or False The cardiovascular system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide to the exterior.

5 True or False The lymphatic system covers the external surface of the body and manufactures vitamin D

6 True or False The heart and lungs are found in the thoracic cavity of the ventral body cavity.

7 The dorsal body cavity houses the reproductive organs.
True or False The dorsal body cavity houses the reproductive organs.

8 True or False The midsagittal or median plane divides the body into equal front and back parts.

9 The effector detects a change.
True or False The effector detects a change.

10 The right and left hypochondriac regions contain the ribs.
True or False The right and left hypochondriac regions contain the ribs.

11 True or False Negative Feedback mechanisms respond to changes by increasing the response to the stimulus.

12 Organs are groups of cells that have a common function.
True or False Organs are groups of cells that have a common function.

13 Metabolism is defined as the breakdown of materials.
True or False Metabolism is defined as the breakdown of materials.

14 The abdominpelvic cavity is superior to the thoracic cavity.
True or False The abdominpelvic cavity is superior to the thoracic cavity.

15 True or False The five survival needs of humans are water, nutrients, constant body temperature, metabolism

16 True or False The correct anatomical position is the body erect with the feet parallel and the arms hanging at the sides with palms facing forward.

17 Anterior and Dorsal describe the same position on humans.
True or False Anterior and Dorsal describe the same position on humans.

18 Name that Function Nervous system

19 Name that Function Integumentary system

20 Name that Function Muscular system

21 Name that Function Respiratory system

22 Name that Function Digestive system

23 Excretory/Urinary System
Name that Function Excretory/Urinary System

24 Homeostatic Control Mechanisms
What are the three parts to the homeostatic control mechanism?

25 Homeostatic Control Mechanisms
What is the difference between the afferent and efferent pathways?

26 Body Landmarks Where are they? Carpal Gluteal Brachial Antecubital
Nasal Buccal Acromial Patellar Popliteal Femoral Fibular Axillary

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