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EMODnet Chemistry 3 Management and Coordination

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1 EMODnet Chemistry 3 Management and Coordination
EMODnet CHEMISTRY 3 First Annual Meeting, Risø Campus, Roskilde, Denmark 6th - 8th February, 2018 Alessandra Giorgetti OGS

2 EMODnet Chemistry 3 - figures
Started on 06/03/2017 for 2 years Possible renewal for 2 years (activity plan to be presented!) Budget 2,805,000 € Partnership Based on IODE network of NODC’s complemented by monitoring agencies working together with Technical partners to further develop and run SDN infrastructure and Specific experts to coordinate data analyses and validation, and the creation of data products  45 organisations 2/16/2019

3 EMODnet Chemistry 3 - objectives
Aims to collect, aggregate, standardize, check the quality of data developing new services to share information and products Collects data on: In 3 matrices: - water column; - biota; - sediment. Data products generation are organized at Regional level 2/16/2019

4 EMODnet Chemistry 3 - activities
WP1: Project Management WP2: Data collection and metadata population WP3: Generation of data products WP4: Technical development and operation of portal, services and tools WP5: Uptake, outreach and interaction Data products are specifically relevant for Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptors 5 (eutrophication), 8 (chemical pollution), 9 (contaminants in seafood) and 10 (marine litter) based on the guidance of the MSFD Common Implementation Strategy 2/16/2019

5 WP1 - Project Management
Contractual tasks  Consortium Agreement signed by all 27 partners  14/18 bilateral subcontracts signed  draft MoU to BSCS, dialogue with UNEP/MAP  difficulties with IMBR and MHI  first year reporting (due by 5th March 2018) Development of coordination tools redesign of the web portal (November 2017) news and use cases  contribute requested 4 mailing lists (emodnet3-all, emodnet3-sc, emodnet3-twg, emodnet3-board, members listed on extranet) documents 2/16/2019

6 Web portal Joint effort OGS-MARIS Focus on data and products
Latest news and events Publication of use case Attractive and dynamic Inform us of news/event or use case! Increase project visibility! 2/16/2019

7 WP1 - Deliverables 2/16/2019

8 Project payments No cost statement but results of activity and meeting attendance ACTIVITY + INVOICE will be requested + INVOICE 2/16/2019

9 Work plan Data collection and metadata population 2/16/2019

10 Work plan for the 2nd year
WP1: Project Management Milestone Date Quarterly concise progress reports M12, M15, M18, … Short minutes - action lists of Steering Committee Meetings M11, M17, M23 Portal update with information on Project Coordination Group Meetings M4, M11, M23 continuous process First Annual report M12 2/16/2019

11 Work plan for the 2nd year
February 2018 WP2: Data collection and metadata population May 2018 Milestone Date Identification and interoperability approach for making use of relevant non-EU chemistry data collections M8 Marine litter data sets from data providers, OSPAR, and ICES, included in the EMODnet databases M12 Chemistry (contaminants) CDI metadata and data sets included in CDI Service M15 Marine litter data sets increased M22 2/16/2019

12 Work plan for the 2nd year
WP3: Generation of data products Milestone Date First version concentration maps of marine and beach litter M12 Updated data collections and DIVA maps for eutrophication M14 Updated data collections and dedicated maps on contaminants M20 Higher resolution DIVA maps near major river mouths M22 February 2018 April 2018 October 2018 2/16/2019

13 Work plan for the 2nd year
WP4: Technical development and operation Deliverables Date EMODnet Chemistry portal upgraded with extra functionalities M6 Upgraded OceanBrowser and advanced viewing services M15 Operational EMODnet database system for marine and beach litter M10 Specification of initial Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) architecture and plan M8 Monitoring data about visits and usage Continue 2/16/2019

14 Work plan for the 2nd year
WP5: Uptake, outreach and interaction March 2018 Deliverables Date Operational Help-desk M6 Meetings of Board of MSFD experts M3, M10, M13 Promotional material and up-to-date website Continue Presentations at relevant conferences Regular 2/16/2019

15 Use-cases for Chemistry data
EMODnet Chemistry validated buffer with contaminants and nutrients in the Black sea for the BSCS SoE (February 2017) EMODnet Chemistry contaminants + nutrients data requested for EEA thematic report Meeting with Info-RAC for synergy between information systems (June 2017) Dialogue with UNEP/MAP – case study on EO5 (nutrients and chlorophyll) in the North Adriatic (end June 2017) Collaboration with CMEMS INSTAC to be formalized by MoU 2/16/2019

16 DG MARE and DG GROW (Copernicus)
CMEMS is the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service led by Mercator-Océan INSTAC –In Situ Thematic Assembling centre- is the CMEMS component in charge of the in-situ data delivery for other components (MFCs Marine Forecasting centres) of CMEMS CMEMS INSTAC needs to start preparing at regular intervals global biochemical data collections (oxygen, chlorophyll and nutrients) MoU is under preparation to define the joint development and deployment of delayed mode services to access datasets from both EMODNet Chemistry and CMEMS INSTAC 2/16/2019

17 DG MARE and DG ENV (EEA) EEA decided to explore the use of EMODnet Chemistry data for some of their marine indicators, namely: Chlorophyll in coastal and marine waters Nutrients in coastal and marine waters Hazardous substances in marine organisms The analysis will be led by ICES, as ETC partners (with Niva and Deltares) Good opportunity for the project but requests alignment in the scheduling 2/16/2019

18 Memorandum of Understanding
With BSCS and UNEP/MAP With EEA With INFO-RAC OSPAR and MCS for beach litter data exchange ICES for sea floor litter data exchange With Copernicus (CMEMS INSTAC) 2/16/2019

19 Impact of EMODnet Chemistry
All RSCs used EMODnet Chemistry regional datasets for their assessment EEA explore the use of EMODnet Chemistry data for their marine indicators Copernicus Marine Services seek input from EMODnet Chemistry Wider use of EMODnet Chemistry data and products is good example to show impact Possible extension of activities (MSFD timelines, CMEMS coverage) Joint effort made possible by contribution of all  Thank you all ! 2/16/2019


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