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Libertarian: a person who believes that people should be allowed to do and say what they want without any interference from the government “Libertarians.

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Presentation on theme: "Libertarian: a person who believes that people should be allowed to do and say what they want without any interference from the government “Libertarians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Libertarian: a person who believes that people should be allowed to do and say what they want without any interference from the government “Libertarians want the smallest, least-intrusive government consistent with maximum freedom for each individual to follow his own ways, his own values, as long as he doesn’t interfere with anyone else’s doing the same.” - Milton Friedman ( )

2 Right/Conservative: believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society : relating to or supporting political conservatism believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense.  Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.  Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.

3 Left/Liberal: the part of a political group that consists of people who support liberal or socialist ideas and policies : the part of a political group that belongs to or supports the Left believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all.  It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights.  Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need.  Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.

4 Centrist: having moderate political views or policies.
Centrism is not about doing what is popular, it is about doing what is right. Centrism is not moderate but rather supports strength, tradition, open mindedness and policy based on evidence not ideology. Centrism is not about compromise but rather allows for it as reasonable. Authoritarian: favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.

5 LEFT RIGHT Radical Liberal Conservative Reactionary Religion Age
Gender Income Political Parties PAC’s Geography “ Generally Speaking…” Role of Government- “To solve…” Pragmatic / Idealistic Thinking Change / Tradition Abortion, Capital Punishment, Nuclear Power, Endangered Species, “Slow Growth”, Death Penalty, Gun Control, Taxation, Global Warming, Rain Forest, Immigration, Prayer in School,Homeless, Defense Spending, Off-shore Drilling, National Health Plan, Affirmative Action, Homosexuality, Taxation


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