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Clichés in romance.

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Presentation on theme: "Clichés in romance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clichés in romance

2 Cliché or not? Stopping everything and staring into each other’s eyes
Watching the sunset and stargazing Kissing on top of a ferris wheel Having a candlelit dinner Being sung to (perhaps with an acoustic guitar) Going on a cliché dinner date Holding Doors Open Standing to the Side Closest to the Street Offering His Coat Offering Some of His/Her Food Buying Flowers Just Because

3 Cliché or not Standing Up For a Woman Being On Time
Spending Time with a Woman, Doing What She Likes Giving Compliments Being Respectful Keeping Promises Making Sure You Get Home Okay Remembering the Little Things

4 Characters types to avoid
Helpless Women Too Stupid To Live heroine The Alpha Jerk male The Billionaire who never works or a Billionaire in his 20s H & H who hate each other but five minutes later fall inexplicably fall madly in love where nothing and no one has changed. Sexy heroes with amazing bods that never seem to do any exercise

5 Plot events to avoid Perfect guy falls for boring girl-next-door
Someone leaving in a huff after overhearing or seeing something, without waiting for an explanation or even asking for one. Being late to a date so as she rushes out, just brushes her hair quickly and only needs a dab of lip gloss because she’s a ‘natural beauty’. Conflict driven entirely by an “You’d be better off without me” martyr Emotional issues solved by meeting his/her soulmate Unnatural HEA – HEA that comes from nowhere. No natural progression to it.

6 Four corners Using the four corners of the room, choose among which of the following options builds to a PG-13 romantic scene. Be prepared to defend your selection. Playing with your hair while the two of you are watching TV. Getting dessert to-go at the restaurant so the two of you can eat it at home while watching a movie/your favorite TV show. Bringing him/her a favorite snack/drink to work or school. Cuddling him/her unexpectedly while in public. Like, put your arm around him/her in an affectionate (without being over-the-top) way, and let him/her sort of melt into you.

7 Four corners  When s/he on the way home from an especially long at work, text him/her to be like “I’m ordering takeout from [insert his/her favorite place here]. What would you like?” Offering to help with one thing on her/his weekend to-do list when you notice s/he’s overwhelmed. Cupping her/his face gently when you kiss, especially if it’s a totally everyday, run-of-the-mill-love-ya kiss.  One day, for no reason at all, call in sick and have her/him call in sick so that the two of you can spend the day together watching movies, ordering in food, and hanging out.

8 Four corners Compiling a small list of fun things going on that weekend, and send them to her/his work on Friday morning to choose from. Being protective over something small (cute protective, not controlling protective). Like if s/he’s about to go out and the forecast says it might rain, insist that s/he takes an umbrella as s/he’s walking out of the house. Starting to watch a show with her/him and be religious about only watching it when the two of you can watch it together. Waiting on an episode of Game of Thrones so you can enjoy it together is the ultimate sign of love and commitment. Pulling them aside for a minute, just to be alone and not have to share him/her for a moment.

9 Four corners Buying them something you know they're about to run out of without being asked to or told to. Leaving them little notes in unexpected places. Putting in the extra effort with people they love….especially the ones you are not particularly fond of. Offering them the last bite of ….

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