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WAYS TO TEASE YOUR BRAIN: REBUS PUZZLES. But first…what is a Rebus puzzle? A rebus is a kind of word puzzle that uses pictures to represent words or parts.

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Presentation on theme: "WAYS TO TEASE YOUR BRAIN: REBUS PUZZLES. But first…what is a Rebus puzzle? A rebus is a kind of word puzzle that uses pictures to represent words or parts."— Presentation transcript:


2 But first…what is a Rebus puzzle? A rebus is a kind of word puzzle that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words. For example: H + = Hear, or Here Or: = small talk (the word talk is small)


4 Sit down and shut up


6 Deep in thought


8 Too little, too late


10 Broken promise


12 Your time is up

13 DATING 约会

14 Starting a Relationship To chat ( 聊天 ) To flirt ( 逗请 ) with someone A blind date ( 相亲 ) Personal ad ( 广告 )

15 Pick-up Lines What would you say to a girl or boy you like? Ex. “Hey baby, You are very good looking”  Greeting + compliment ( 夸奖 )

16 1)Baby, you’re like a student, and I’m a math book – you solve all my problems. 2) If you were the new hamburger at McDonald’s, you’d be called the McBeautiful. 3) How much does a polar bear weigh? (wait for the person to say, “I don’t know.”) Enough to break the ice. 4) Hi, my name is (and then say your name). Pick up lines:

17 What is a blind date? You have never seen or met the person before You have only heard about them

18 Blind Date! ( 相亲 ) Very Rich Has a nice car Has a very big house Have many things in common

19 Girl’s Date

20 Boy’s Date

21 Blind Date #2! ( 相亲 ) Poor No car Nowhere to live Have nothing in common

22 Girl’s Date

23 Boy’s Date

24 Dating in America High school CollegeAdult Age16-1818-2222+ Things to do School dances, movies Go to dinner, go to a bar Go on vacation, expensive dinners Cost of a date $30 USD$70 USD $125+ USD

25 Dating in China? What age is it appropriate ( 妥善 ) to date? How much should a date cost? Describe your perfect date:  I would go ______  I would eat ______  I would see ______

26 Personal Ad Example Name: Christina Age: 26 Eye color: Brown Hair color: Black Occupation: Waitress Location: California Has Kids: No Interests: Arts, Family, Movies, Music, Reading, Travel Looking For: A man age 22-32 Any eye color Red hair A doctor Also in California No kids Qualities: Friendly, Clever, Out-going, Hard Working

27 Create your own Personal Ad Name: Age: Location: Interests: What you are looking for in a boy/girlfriend:

28 Western Chivalry 侠义 A gentleman (绅士) should open doors for a lady (女士) He should walk on the street side of the sidewalk He should pay for meals and activities He should pull out/push in her chair Compliment her

29 What do you think? Do you think Western Chivalry 侠义 is a good thing? Why? Should the man always pay for the date? or go AA? Can couples kiss in public? Can a girl ask a boy on a date?

30 Some Relationships Don’t Last Forever…People Break Up

31 Break up words Break up ( 分手 ) He/She dumped me ( 抛弃 ) We are no longer together ( 我们以后不会在一起 ) Go your own way ( 分道扬 镳 )

32 Why break up? Bad Habits 坏 习 惯 smokingbite my nails spitbe late pick your nose fart

33 Partner Dialogue A: I just broke up with my boy/girlfriend. I met my boy/girlfriend at ___ Place (地方) ___. B: Where did you go on dates? A: We would go ___ Place (地方) ____. B: With my boy/girlfriend we like to go ___ Place (地方) ___. Why did you break up? A: We broke up because he/she always _____bad habit ( 坏 习 惯 ) ____. B: That’s too bad. My boy/girlfriend never ___ bad habit (坏 习 惯) ___.

34 Like someone Go on a date 约 会 Hold hands Break up 分 手 1. 2. 3.4.   

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