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Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2.

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1 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

2 Imperial-ism Asia Vocab Forms China Potpouri Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 This canal connected the Red and Mediterranean Seas
$100 This canal connected the Red and Mediterranean Seas

4 $100 Suez Scores

5 The European powers met here to discuss how to divide up Africa
$200 The European powers met here to discuss how to divide up Africa

6 $200 Berlin Scores

7 $300 These people were not invited to discuss their futures in Africa in terms of how the borders were drawn

8 $300 Africans Scores

9 Name 2 positives of European Imperialism of Africa/Asia
$400 Name 2 positives of European Imperialism of Africa/Asia

10 $400 Schools and hospitals were built, railroads and telegraph lines established, local warfare was lowered, economies increased Scores

11 Name 2 negatives of European Imperialism of Africa/Asia
$500 Name 2 negatives of European Imperialism of Africa/Asia

12 $500 Lose land and independence, new diseases killed locals, forced to leave, change from subsistence to cash crops, lose culture Scores

13 Queen Lilioukalani surrendered these islands to Sanford Dole.
$100 Queen Lilioukalani surrendered these islands to Sanford Dole.

14 $100 Hawaii Scores

15 Indian soldier that protects the British East India Company
$200 Indian soldier that protects the British East India Company

16 $200 Sepoy Scores

17 $300 The Russians and the Ottomans fought over this Ukrainian peninsula for rights to trade on the Black Sea.

18 $300 Crimea/Crimean War Scores

19 $400 Most of Northern Africa was colonized by this country. This is true particularly in the west.

20 $400 France Scores

21 This war started because the Russians would not concede Korea
$500 This war started because the Russians would not concede Korea

22 $500 Russo-Japanese War Scores

23 $100 People of Persia granted these to the Russians and British after oil was found. Trade goods in exchange for oil

24 $100 Concessions Scores

25 $200 The campaign against slavery is called this.

26 Abolitionist Movement
$200 Abolitionist Movement Scores

27 Rights that the Chinese gave the Europeans after the Opium War
$300 Rights that the Chinese gave the Europeans after the Opium War

28 Extraterritorial rights
$300 Extraterritorial rights Scores

29 The Suez canal connected these two seas
$400 The Suez canal connected these two seas

30 $400 Red and Mediterranean

31 $500 Indian women would throw themselves on the fire at their husbands funeral called this

32 $500 Sati Scores

33 $100 A country with its own internal government, but under the control of an outside power

34 Protectorate/Home rule
$100 Protectorate/Home rule Scores

35 An area where an outside country has claimed trading privileges
$200 An area where an outside country has claimed trading privileges

36 $200 Sphere of Influence Scores

37 A country has complete control over an area
$300 A country has complete control over an area

38 $300 colony Scores

39 A business has control over an area or a country
$400 A business has control over an area or a country

40 $400 Economic Imperialism

41 $500 A sense of this gave the Europeans the “obligation” to help/fix the areas of Africa and Asia

42 $500 Racial superiority Scores

43 Daily Double

44 $100 This war started because Britain refused to stop selling drugs in China

45 $100 Opium War Scores

46 The martial artist rebels started this rebellion
$200 The martial artist rebels started this rebellion

47 $200 Boxer Rebellion Scores

48 $300 This rebellion is ironic because the rough translation means great peace and 20 million people died

49 $300 Taiping Scores

50 $400 Europeans were granted these rights after defeating the Chinese during the Opium War

51 Extraterritorial Rights
$400 Extraterritorial Rights Scores

52 China was not invited to the meeting discussing this trade agreement
$500 China was not invited to the meeting discussing this trade agreement

53 $500 Open-Door Policy Scores

54 $100 British prisoners were sent to this modern day country as punishment for their crimes.

55 $100 Australia Scores

56 Opium allowed this country to trade in China
$200 Opium allowed this country to trade in China

57 $200 Britain Scores

58 Menelik II defeated this country preserving his Ethiopian Empire
$300 Menelik II defeated this country preserving his Ethiopian Empire

59 $300 Italy Scores

60 $400 Give me two reasons why the Europeans originally stayed out of the interior of Africa

61 Disease, Geography and local resistance
$400 Disease, Geography and local resistance Scores

62 $500 The European countries met here to decide how to carve up Africa, but no Africans were invited

63 $500 Berlin Scores

64 Final Jeopary Question
Jeopardy Imperialism Final Jeopary Question Scores

65 Give me a form of imperialism, an example of said form and 1 positive and 1 negative from said example

66 Forms, examples and positives and negatives will vary
Forms, examples and positives and negatives will vary. Please consult the end of section 12.1 Notes! Scores

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