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Agenda- 3/6 Grab a chromebook, textbook, and handouts

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1 Agenda- 3/6 Grab a chromebook, textbook, and handouts
Current Events Crash Course Government Video Worksheet- Election Basics (LS) Unit 3 Lecture 4- Elections and Money (RS) Elections Worksheet (LS) HW: -Community service due tomorrow!

2 Crash Course Government- Election Basics

3 Unit 3 Lecture 4 Elections and Money
-How do political parties nominate candidates? -How do voters register a choice? -Where do candidates get their funds from? -How do campaign finance laws work?

4 How do parties nominate candidates?
Caucus -A meeting of party members to discuss and show preference for a candidate -Involves discussion and debate -Still used in 19 states, including Iowa Primary -A party election to choose a candidate -People vote anonymously to show a preference -Used in 31 states, including California Primary vs. Caucus

5 Which method is used more commonly?
The Primary!

6 What are the different types of primaries?
Open Primary -a party nominating election in which any qualified voter can cast a ballot -very democratic -allows for sabotage Closed primary -a party nominating election in which only declared party members can vote -silences some voices

7 How do voters register a choice?
Through a ballot Ours is called the Australian ballot 1. Printed at public expense 2. Lists the names of all candidates 3. Only given out at the polls 4. Voted in secret There is also a sample ballot -mailed to voters, for practice, but cannot be cast

8 Where do candidates get their funds from?
Small Contributors “Fat Cats” Candidates themselves Political Action Committees (PAC’s)

9 Are all funds the same? Hard money -limits on them by 1970’s federal law -given directly to candidates for campaigns -must be reported -limited in amount Soft money -funds given to parties or other political organizations -unlimited in amount -supposed to be for “party- building activities”

10 How do campaign finance laws work?
The candidate who spends the most almost always wins. Laws have been passed that limit campaign spending. Those laws aren’t working, as most have been struck down, or candidates find loopholes around them, like Super PAC’s. Super Pac's

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