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2 Features of the amillennial view
Replacement theology – the church has become the “New Israel” b) Biblical references about the future are to be understood allegorically Christ’s kingdom on earth is to be understood as the Church The present state of Israel is an accident of history Only one second coming of Jesus and then the final judgement

3 The basic ground of my objection to amillennialism – the literal accuracy and the integrity of scripture

4 1. The permanent and unconditional nature of God’s promises to Abraham
1. The permanent and unconditional nature of God’s promises to Abraham. Genesis 15 e.g. Jeremiah 33 v

5 2. God’s nature does not allow Him to “change His mind”
2. God’s nature does not allow Him to “change His mind”. He is faithful to His promises and will not abandon them. His promises are based on His sovereign choice and divine righteousness, not on our response.

6 3. God’s Word makes no attempt to foretell or explain a change of heart - an apology would be necessary. E.g. Isaiah 9 v 7, Luke 1 v 54 – 55, 68 – 75, Acts 1 v 6

7 4. If these scriptures are to be taken allegorically then what about other scriptures – creation, the flood, morality, etc?

8 5. Romans chapter 4. Just because we share Abraham’s faith (and thus are seen as children of Abraham) does not mean we share the promises God gave to him. God has given us other promises as the basis of our faith.

9 6. The history of Israel over the past 100 years is a clear and miraculous fulfilment of many scriptures. They could not be fulfilled by the Church. Explaining away these events aligns us with Islam.

10 7. None of the 77 references to Israel in the New Testament refers to the Church as Israel. Romans 9 v 6 Galatians 6 v 16

11 8. The apostles and early church fathers were premillennialists
8. The apostles and early church fathers were premillennialists. The Roman church adopted the idea of the New Israel and tried adopt Old Testament views. Progressively we have recovered God’s true agenda.

12 9. Two Amillennial arguments.
Matthew 21 v 43. This does not nullify God’s promise to Israel, but introduces the spiritual kingdom, the Church (Luke 17 v 21), making it clear it was a different concept. Matthew 23 v 39, Zechariah 12 v 10 – 13 v 1. The essential link between the judgement on Israel for rejecting Jesus and God’s eternal promise to reinstate a physical kingdom and fulfil all His promises to Israel.

13 Post-millennialism Post-millennialism shares many of the ideas behind amillennialism, especially concerning Israel. This view, however, accepts that there will be a future golden age (e.g., Revelation 20) but that Jesus will reign through the Church and not in person. The Church will become more and more powerful and subdue the world through the power of the Holy Spirit.

14 The main problem with post-millennialism is that it still ignores all the Bible’s prophecies about the return, redemption and King of Israel.

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