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The Nazi Party Lesson starter:

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1 The Nazi Party Lesson starter:
Write down all that you know about the German Nazi Party.

2 Today we will… Understand the appeal of the National Socialist Party in Germany

3 Initially called German Workers’ Party
NSDAP Hitler takes over after he leaves jail A right wing party They adopted the swastika as their flag and symbol

4 Views of the Nazi Party Strongly against Treaty of Versailles
‘dolschtoss’ or “Stab in the Back” – that Germany had been forced to surrender in WWI by socialists, Jews etc. Anti – Semitic (against Jews) Need for strong government Tough on crime and opponents

5 The Nazis were a tiny political party at first
They received many more votes during the Depression They used various tactics to gain more popularity

6 Why did people vote for the Nazis?

7 They offered an end to unemployment and opposed the Treaty of Versailles

8 The Wall Street Crash and The Depression had seen a swing to more right wing parties like the Nazis

9 They used people’s fear Of Communism as a tool to get more votes

10 Nazi propaganda promoted Hitler as a God who would be Germany’s Saviour

11 Nazi rallies combined with air travel meant Hitler could speak to thousands of people in one day
He was a fantastic orator

12 The SA (also Brown shirts, storm troopers) intimidated people into supporting Nazis
People were scared of them

13 Despite all this, the Nazis still couldn’t win a majority in the Reichstag
Without that, they had little chance of passing their laws It would take something bigger than an election to give the Nazis a road into power…

14 Today we will… Understand the organisation of the National Socialist Party in Germany

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