Love vs Infatuation. Slow takes time to grow and grows stronger over time. something that starts out small and just keeps on growing. It is strong, like.

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Presentation on theme: "Love vs Infatuation. Slow takes time to grow and grows stronger over time. something that starts out small and just keeps on growing. It is strong, like."— Presentation transcript:

1 Love vs Infatuation

2 Slow takes time to grow and grows stronger over time. something that starts out small and just keeps on growing. It is strong, like a giant oak, a journey that you share with another whose heart is in your hands. decision to commit oneself to another and to work through conflicts instead of giving up. Instant Takes off fast and furious like a spark, but burns out quickly and can leave feelings of emptiness. is all about bodily chemicals and neurons firing and thoughts flitting in and out of your mind before they have time to settle. based on physical attraction; eg. Love at first sight before you know much about the person; is all about the moment, about attraction and desire. It's about wanting immediate gratification. is about getting through today and hoping tomorrow will be good too.

3 Love vs Infatuation Person-centred Decision to devote yourself to another person for better or worse. Willingness to make sacrifices for another and working at settling differences. Able to compromise so that either both win or at least give the other person's opinion a chance; Sexually forced Lust is at the center; selfish uncontrollable desire the state of being completely carried away by unreasoning desire; All consuming euphoria similar to recreational drug use (addictive chemical reactions in the brain); can risk everything for the next hit of adrenalin. being controlled by brain chemistry, not the heart, loss of ability to make rational evaluations of what is true, valuable and worthy

4 Love vs Infatuation Brings confidence Since love takes time to develop, you learn to trust each other, you have no fear of anything, because you're secure in the arms of the one you love. Intimacy, commitment, security, may be scary at first, must accept the feeling. Feel deep affection, confidence, and contentment as the bond grows deeper over time Partners communicate and negotiate appropriate expectations, requires a lot of selflessness and polite assertiveness. Triggers insecurity It is an emotional roller-coaster, with emotions constantly swaying from happiness to sadness Characterized by a lack of trust, lack of loyalty, lack of commitment, lack of reciprocity which leads to insecurity You become obsessed with the person. When you are obsessed with someone, you are equal parts desire and fear. You want them, but fear you might lose them. You fear a lot of things.

5 Love vs Infatuation Welcomes others You want to share your joy with other people Want just us you desire to be close to that person at any cost. you become obsessed with the beloved; obsession and infatuation are practically the same word. To be infatuated means to be momentarily out of your mind.

6 Love vs Infatuation Give-and take (emphasizes the other) Partnership, commitment to another. Willingness to make sacrifices for another and working at settling differences. Able to compromise so that either both win or at least give the other person's opinion a chance You think of how you can make the other person happy, you wish to bring happiness to that person Self-benefiting (emphasizes self) A reckless commitment to satisfy one's all consuming lust It puts the focus on you, it gives you a great satisfaction to be seen with him/her you like how he/she make YOU feel;

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