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1st Freedom of religion, speech, press, petition & assembly

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1 1st Freedom of religion, speech, press, petition & assembly
First 5 Freedoms Inspired by Voltaire Religion (make a cross with arms) Speech (talk into a microphone) Press (type on keyboard) Petition (Hold picket sign) Assembly (Wave arms around to show organization of students in class)

2 2nd Right to bear arms 2 Bare/Bear arms

3 3rd No Quartering of Troops
Hold imaginary quarter inside thumb and index finger

4 4th No unreasonable search & seizure
Hold up 4 fingers then put over eyes like you’re looking for something

5 5th Talk to the Hand


7 6th speedy public trial Think of the fastest 6 wheel truck, speedy truck, speedy trial

8 6th cont. Impartial jury Informed of what you’re accused
Confront witnesses

9 7th Right to a trial by jury
Draw hangman game (Right to trial by jury before you’re hanged)

10 8th No Excessive Bail or Fines No Cruel or Unusual Punishment
Hands together like you’re in handcuffs, turn vertical to show the number 8

11 9th Just bc its not in the Bill of Rights does not mean you do not have that right Roe v. Wade
Play on words with “n’s”

12 10th Not given 2 the Federal Govt TEN it is given to the states
Replace “then” with “ten” State’s rights

13 11th you can’t sue another state
1 person cannot sue 1 other state (Hold up 1 finger from one hand next to 1 finger from another; Looks like number 11)

14 12th Electoral College Go to school for 12 years, and then you go to College

15 Freedom, citizenship, & voting Civil Rights Amendments
13th, 14th, & 15th Freedom, citizenship, & voting Civil Rights Amendments Stair step amendments, Civil Rights Amendments 13 abolished slavery 14 gave all citizenship 15 Universal male suffrage (all men can vote)

16 16th Turn 16 you can drive, need gas money so you get a job and pay an income tax

17 Direct Election of Senators
17 17 senators, Senators 17 Direct election

18 Prohibition 18 When you turn 18, you are prohibited from drinking for 3 more years is 21 = legal age to drink

19 19 Women’s suffrage In 1919 women get the right to vote 19th Amendment (technically it’s 1920 but it was ratified in 1919

20 Lame Duck 20 Write the number 20 and turn the 2 into a duck and the 0 into a pond with more ducks

21 Repealed 18th 21 21 Yay!! You can legally drink when you turn 21

22 Presidential Tenure 22 Two Chains = Two Terms; Double tap your chest with 2 fingers on both hands Presidential tenure = Two terms or 10 total years

23 Washington D.C., Can vote 23 Michael Jordan played for the Washington Wizards, wore number 23, D.C. gets the right to vote

24 Repeals Poll Tax 24 24 car drives really fast, gets the Poll Position
Repeals the Poll tax If you need another example, tell them that 24 pole dancers don’t pay taxes

25 President succession 25 If the first 2 in line die, the next 5 will replace them as president

26 18 year olds can vote 26 Because of the Vietnam War
2+6 is 8 teen. 18 year olds can vote Flip the 6 into a 9, 9x2 is 18 Because of the Vietnam War

27 Congressional Pay 27 Turn the 2 into a dollar sign 7 senators $7 Congressional Pay can’t be changed for this term

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