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FFA STRATEGY impact of inequalities, and the opportunities, based on evidence, of where and how CPP partners can work to achieve the greatest effect in.

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Presentation on theme: "FFA STRATEGY impact of inequalities, and the opportunities, based on evidence, of where and how CPP partners can work to achieve the greatest effect in."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Board November 2018 FFA Overview

2 FFA STRATEGY impact of inequalities, and the opportunities, based on evidence, of where and how CPP partners can work to achieve the greatest effect in reducing inequality We understand educational, economic, health and social inequalities as avoidable differences in people’s life outcomes across social groups and between different population groups. We know that North Ayrshire experiences particular challenges of inequality, especially in areas of employment, poverty and health outcomes. There are a wide variety of causes, and interrelationships across outcomes such as health, housing, and education.

3 THE PLEDGES While the strategy sets out an understanding of inequalities, the pledges focus on our partnership work to address them. Developed by a wide range of local partners, drawing on national expertise, analysis of a range of statistics on North Ayrshire’s position and an understanding of what partners can deliver or influence. Our overall pledge is to address child poverty. This is in acknowledgement of the high levels of child poverty locally. The other pledges are grouped under five themes, and they all relate to the overall child poverty pledge

4 OUR APPROACH Advisory Panel - bring national expertise, best practice, challenge and scrutiny as well as organisational support. The members of the Panel include Professor Chris Chapman (Robert Owen Centre), Professor Alan McGregor (University of Glasgow), Gerry McLaughlin (NHS Health Scotland), Dr Pete Seaman (Glasgow Centre for Population Health), Martyn Evans (Carnegie UK Trust) and Dr Jim McCormick (Joseph Rowntree Foundation). Delivery is supported by the Fair for All Steering Group, contains representatives of Ayrshire College, Department of Work and Pensions, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Skills Development Scotland, North Ayrshire Council, Third Sector Interface and North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership.


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