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Presentation on theme: "POLITICAL PARTIES AND WHAT THEY DO"— Presentation transcript:

What is a political party What do parties do 5 main things

2 What is a Party? Political Party- group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office Major Parties Republicans Democrats More to it Common principles Want certain policies and programs

3 Why Political Parties Parties essential in democracies
Develop broad policies Options presented to people through parties Serve as link b/w govt and governed Encourage compromise Bring diverse groups together Soften extremist views

4 Major Functions Nominating Candidates Essential in democracy
Select a candidate Present them to voters Essential in democracy Almost exclusively done by parties

5 Major Functions cont. Informing and Activating Support
Inform people of issues Inspire and organize support for/against issues Parties not alone here Present helpful info Signs, Buttons, Pamphlets, Stickers, Advertisements, Speeches, Rallies, Conventions Take stands to help them win elections

6 Major Functions cont. Bonding Agent Function
Ensures good performance of candidates Parties pick qualified candidates Parties pick ppl w/ good character Prompt candidates to perform well Both party and candidate can suffer if this does not happen

7 Major Functions cont. Governing
US is largely govt by party Much voting and business done by partisanship Strong support of specific party and its policy stands Many appointments done by party Political parties make electoral process work

8 Major Functions cont. Act as a Watchdog
Keep an eye on the conduct of the other party Party not in power especially watches Party in Power Party that controls the Executive Branch Party out of power needs to play “loyal opposition” Be against PIP, but loyal to country

First Parties Four Major Eras

10 First Political Parties
Federalists Led by Alexander Hamilton Represented wealthy, upper-class Favored strong national govt Loose interpretation of Const. Anti-Federalists, Democratic-Republicans, Democrats Led by Thomas Jefferson Represented “common man” Favored state control of govt Strict interpretation of Const

11 1st Major Era The Era of the Democrats 1800-1860
Dems win all but 2 elections Whigs emerge in s Republican Party founded in 1854

12 2nd Major Era The Era of the Republicans 1860-1932
Reps win all but 4 elections Civil War hurt Dems But keep “Solid South”

13 3rd Major Era The Return of the Democrats 1932-1968
Dems win all but 2 election FDR elected 4 times

14 4th Major Era (Current) The Era of Divided Govt Nixon and Ford 1968-76
Since 1968 No one party has dominated executive branch Congress often controlled by opposing party Nixon and Ford Reps hold Pres Dems hold Congress Carter Dems hold Pres and Congress

15 4th Major Era (Current) Reagan and Bush Sr. 1980-92 Clinton 1992-00
Reps hold Pres Congress switches Clinton Dems hold Pres Reps hold Congress Bush Jr Reps hold Pres and Congress

16 Obama 2008-16 Dems hold Pres Congress switches
4th Major Era (Current) Obama Dems hold Pres Congress switches


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