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Do-Now 12/06, 12/07 Begin STUDYING Finish Empires Chart

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1 Do-Now 12/06, 12/07 Begin STUDYING Finish Empires Chart
Materials Do-Now Homework Have the following on your desk: Pencil, blue or black pen Do-Now Sheet Time tracker Notebook opened to your 7 elements handouts The idea of ______________ laws goes back to ancient Mesopotamia. The first set of laws was created by _________________, a powerful king of Babylon. He conquered other city-states in Mesopotamia and realized that he needed to _____________ all the people he controlled. He created a set of ___________ laws that were inscribed on a stone pillar. He wanted to rule with ______________ and he wanted to ________________ the weak. The punishments were based on the ___________ class of the lawbreaker. Wealthy and upper-class lawbreakers paid ___________, while lower-class lawbreakers faced the possibility of physical injury or even death! Unit Exam on Mesopotamia on Dec. 15th and Dec. 16th Begin STUDYING Finish Empires Chart

2 18. Pyramid-shaped structure with a flat top, probably had a temple on the top is called a ________________________. 19. _______________________’s were the first people to live in Mesopotamia. 20. A _____________________ is a person whose job is to write. 21. Belief in many gods 22. ________________________ is an ancient civilization located in the Fertile Crescent. 23. ___________ refers to complex societies with cities, organized government, art, religion, class divisions, and a writing system.

3 18. La estructura en forma de pirámide con una tapa plana, probablemente tenía un templo en la parte superior se llama un ________________________. 19. _______________________ fueron las primeras personas que vivieron en Mesopotamia. 20. Un _____________________ es una persona cuyo trabajo es escribir. 21. La creencia en muchos dioses es ___________________. 22. ________________________ es una antigua civilización situada en la Media Luna Fertil. 23. ___________ se refiere a sociedades complejas con ciudades, gobierno organizado, arte, religión, divisiones de clases y un sistema de escritura.

4 Complete Practice Exam
Do-Now 12/08, 12/09 Materials Do-Now Homework Have the following on your desk: Pencil, blue or black pen Do-Now Sheet Time tracker Empires Chart on desk Hammurabi’s Code (A) If anyone is committing a robbery and is caught, then he shall be put to death. What is the Crime? The crime is…. What is the punishment? The punishment is….. (B) If any one bring an accusation of any crime before the elders, and does not prove what he has charged, he shall be put to death. ( C ) If anyone takes a slave of the court, or a slave of a freed man, outside the city gates, he shall be put to death. Unit Exam on Mesopotamia on Dec. 15th and Dec. 16th Begin STUDYING Complete Practice Exam

5 Mesopotamian Empires

6 Sumerian City-States B.C.E.

7 Sumerian City-States Each city was like a small, independent country
Each had its own ruler Each had its own farmlands

8 Sumerian City-States

9 Sumerian City-State of Ur

10 The Akkadians Stele of Naram Sin

11 Akkadian Empire 2300 – 2100 B.C.E.

12 Capital City of Agade Very rich city
Sargon forced conquered city states to pay tribute

13 Sargon The first emperor in the world
First king to demand his sons rule after him

14 Akkadian Accomplishments
First empire in the world First permanent army Destroyed the city walls of the city-states Forced the conquered people to pay tribute

15 Akkadian Fun Facts Learned irrigation, farming, cuneiform, and religion from Sumer. Able to conquer the Sumerians because the city-states kept fighting each other.

16 The Babylonians The Burney Relief

17 Babylonian Empire 1728 B.C.E B.C.E.

18 Capital City of Babylon
Was a Center of Trade

19 Hammurabi Hammurabi’s Code First Code of Laws 282 Laws

20 Babylonian Accomplishments
First set of laws in the world that applied to everyone Laws written on stele for everyone to see More fair in respect to rights of slaves and women Hammurabi said the gods told him which laws to include so they could never be changed

21 Babylonian Fun Facts Had a postal service and roads

22 The Hittites 1400 – 1200 B.C.E. Iron weapons
First to use chariots in battle

23 Relief of Ashurbanipal
The Assyrians Relief of Ashurbanipal

24 The Assyrian Empire 900 – 600 B.C.E.

25 Capital City of Nineveh
Ruins from the ancient city of Nineveh

26 Ashurbanipal

27 Assyrian Accomplishments
WAR: Learned to use horses, chariots, and iron weapons from Hittites; Used sieges, moveable towers, and battering rams WATER: Aqueducts brought water to Nineveh from 30 miles away HEBREWS: Conquered them and took them as slaves BAS RELIEF: Artwork

28 Assyrian Fun Facts Vicious fighters and cruel rulers who glorified war
Greatest archers

29 The Neo-Babylonians The Ishtar Gate

30 The Neo-Babylonian Empire
614 – 539 B.C.E.

31 Capital City of Babylon
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

32 Nebuchadnezzar

33 Neo-Babylonian Fun Facts
Ishtar Gate Conquered by the Persians

34 Neo-Babylonian Accomplishments
First to develop a sundial 60 second minute 60 minute hour 7 day week Great at math and astronomy Conquered the Hebrews and took them as slaves Hanging Gardens of Babylon

35 Persians 550 – 350 B.C.E. Persia is now Iran
Allowed the Hebrews to go back home to Israel Fought the Greeks and eventually conquered by Alexander the Great

36 Phoenicians Great sailors and traders Developed the first alphabet
Made purple dye by boiling sea snails

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