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Jeopardy Review!.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Review!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Review!

2 Causes of WWII War in Europe American Involvement Pacific End of the War 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 This dictator rose to power in Italy.

4 Benito Mussolini

5 All of the dictators used this to influence the way people thought.

6 Propaganda

7 The Hammer and Sickle represents this style of Government

8 Communism

9 This worldwide event in the 1930s helped Hitler rise to power.

10 Great Depression

11 Neville Chamberlain returned from the Munich agreement saying this
Neville Chamberlain returned from the Munich agreement saying this. It is now synonymous with appeasement.

12 “Peace for our Time”

13 Hitler invaded this country in 1939 and it officially started WWII.

14 Poland

15 Germany signed this pact with Stalin so they did not have to fight a two front war. (later Hitler broke this)

16 Nazi Soviet pact or Non aggression pact

17 This country welcomed in Hitler because it contained many German people

18 Austria.

19 German war strategy meaning Lightening war.

20 Blitzkrieg

21 Name of the Operation to invade Britain.

22 Operation Sea Lion.

23 These were passed to keep America out of any European war.

24 Neutrality acts.

25 This announced the USA was on the Side of the British.

26 Atlantic Charter.

27 Britain could have weapons but the must pay in cash and come and pick them up.

28 Cash and Carry Act.

29 America could loan Britain weapons.

30 Lend Lease Act.

31 This famous American pilot wanted the USA to stay out of the war.

32 Charles Lindbergh

33 The allies fought this enemy in the Pacific.

34 Japan

35 United States strategy to win the war in the Pacific.

36 Island Hopping Campaign.

37 Means divine Wind.

38 Kamikaze.

39 Turning point in the Pacific.

40 Battle of Midway.

41 Court case said that Japanese interment camps were legal.

42 Korematsu vs. US

43 This battle allowed for the allies to take back France.

44 D-Day

45 Scientist who developed the Atomic Bomb.

46 J. Robert Oppenheimer.

47 Conference held to decide what would happen to Germany after the war.

48 Yalta.

49 Name of the two cities that were hit by the atomic bomb.

50 Hiroshima and Nagasaki

51 Name of the proposed operation to invade Japan

52 Operation Olympic.

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