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Welcome Back! Not here yesterday?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Not here yesterday?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Not here yesterday?
Please find an open seat and ask a neighbor to fill you in on what we did Have materials from yesterday available (notecards and RA poem handouts)

2 Agenda 4 Sept. 2013 Attendance/Homework Check/Notebook Check
Poem Breakdowns/Style Mini-Analysis Random Autobiography Assignment Details and Brainstorming Time Homework: Continue brainstorming your RA Poem (finished brainstorming is due Friday) Remember to get the spiral notebook by Monday Use stamp on their completed poem, make note on the seating chart about whether or not they have their spiral notebook

3 Review Chunks and Labels
Compare your chunked poem with your neighbor. Any areas you chunked differently? Check out their labels. Steal any label ideas you like from your partner’s page. Circulate while they’re working on this- 5 minutes? Assign partners to make it easy and quick

4 Identify Style Techniques
Read over the poem with your partner and circle/identify areas where you think the language (not the content) stood out. Look at HOW she wrote the poem, not just WHAT she wrote about. Can you identify WHY it stands out? What about the way it was written made it noticeable? (Bonus if you can name the technique!) Write down any notes on your poem Share out ideas under the doc cam, see what they know already. THEN, pass out packet and have them turn to the lit device page

5 Random Autobiography Poem
Read over the list of poetic devices on the last page. Put a check mark next to any ones you are familiar with. With a partner, label any spots in her poem where she used a specific poetic device. Give them a few minutes to do this, then share out their responses

6 Key Due Dates Friday, Sep. 6th : Random Autobiography Brainstorming due Monday, Sep. 9th : Peer draft of Random Autobiography due (typed) Tuesday, Sep. 10th: Teacher draft along with all other brainstorming/planning materials and reflection due Don’t leave the reflection to the last minute! Check out sample RA poem reflection

7 Brainstorming Time! Which categories do you think you’ll use in your brainstorming? Choose 8-10 to get yourself started. Which style techniques do you think you’d like to try in your poem? Use the rest of the class period to work on your brainstorming!

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