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England’s Answer to The Spanish Colonies

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2 England’s Answer to The Spanish Colonies
The Jamestown Colony England’s Answer to The Spanish Colonies

3 England Explorers Cabot: 1st to cross Atlantic for England
Hudson: Tried finding Northwest Passage through America Drake: Famous for raiding Spanish Ships for the English These explorers helped England expand knowledge of North America Coast

4 Setting Up a Colony Roanoke Island: Tried twice from 1585-1590
Off shores of North Carolina Tried twice from Unsuccessful due to starvation and disease





9 Creation of Jamestown 1606 Businessmen received Charter (permission from the king) Virginia Company established to share profits and losses Sent about 100 men to settle colony

10 Problems in Early Jamestown
Nearly failed due to settlers not being used to manual labor – growing crops and building houses. Site settled was basically a swamp with disease carrying mosquitoes. Starving time (Oct March 1610): Harsh winter led to near starvation – saved by kind Native Americans

11 Reports from England Even though settlers not doing well, many promoted Jamestown as place to settle. As a result, more than 5,500 Englishmen were there by Many died soon from diseases. What saved this first settlement?

12 The Rise of Tobacco Established as a most profitable crop in colonies.
Indentured servants helped work land. People who worked off travel costs in usually seven years 100, ,000 came over in 1600’s

13 Government in Jamestown
A lawmaking assembly called a legislature was set up in 1619. They called it the House of Burgesses after the name of the representatives. First instance of limited self-government in a colony.

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