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16.4 The Allies Are Victorious

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1 16.4 The Allies Are Victorious

2 The Allies Plan for Victory
President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meet on Dec. 22, 1941 (after Pearl Harbor) Stalin needs aide Allies turn attention to North Africa and Southern Europe before opening up a second front in France. Stalin angered

3 Battle of Stalingrad At huge costs, German’s surrender in Feb. 1943.
99% of Stalingrad destroyed 1 million Soviet soldiers dead Germans = 330,000 men down to 90,000.

4 The Invasion of Italy July 1943 Take island of Sicily
King Victor Emmanuel II fired Mussolini and had him arrested. Sept. 3 – Italy surrenders NOT OVER -

5 Italy Continued…. Germans seized control of northern Italy and put Mussolini back in charge. Fighting continues until May 1945 when Germany falls.

6 Death of Mussolini April 28, 1945 Germans retreating
Italian resistance ambushes trucks Mussolini disguised as German soldier Next day, shot and body hanged in Milan town square.

US once again removed from fighting (Hawaii) Total War Factories convert to war production Result: shortage of consumer goods Propaganda = Everyone does their part!

8 Japanese Internment Camps
Over 31,000 Japanese-Americans imprisoned



11 Korematsu vs. United States
Decision: December 18, 1944 It was constitutional Overturned in 1983

12 Allied Victory in Europe
By end of 1942, tide of war turning in favor of Allies. Now … to recapture France from Germany

13 Code Name: Operation Overlord D-Day: Invasion of Normandy Greatest land and sea attack in history. June 6, 1944

14 Supreme Allied Commander: Gen. Dwight Eisenhower

15 By September – Liberation! Aug. 25 – Allies arrive in Paris
France, Belgium, Luxembourg, most of Netherlands.

16 Remember Charles de Gaulle?
French General – Fled to London – Set up a government-in-exile.

17 The Battle of the Bulge Dec. 1945
With France liberated, Allied forces move towards Germany Name from the German push (bulge) into Allied lines in the Ardennes. Allied Victory Germany unable to replace soldiers

18 Germany’s Unconditional Surrender
Overwhelming force of Allied soldiers from both sides surround Berlin. 3 million – southwest 6 million Soviets from east

19 May 1, 1945 Hitler takes his life
May 7, 1945 Gen. Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich from German military.

20 V-E Day – Victory in Europe
May 8, 1945 surrender officially signed.

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