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Benjamin Franklin.

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1 Benjamin Franklin

2 French and Indian War Quick Facts
In America the war was fought between the British supported by the Iroquois Confederacy and the French supported by the Algonquins. The British soldiers were known as red-coats because of their bright red uniforms. Although Great Britain was the ”greatest” army of the time, they struggled to fight against the French and Indians guerilla tactics. The colonial militia were much better at fighting this kind of war. The war lasted for almost ten years,

3 French and Indian War Battle Fort Duquesne

4 Great Britain Gains Control of a Continent
After nearly a decade of fighting and the fall of Quebec, the French are forced to surrender to the British. The Treaty of Paris 1763 ended the French and Indian War and gave Great Britain control of Canada and all land East of the Mississippi River. The Spanish gained control of all land west of the Mississippi as compensation for helping the French. Soon, American colonists were itching to expand westward across the Appalachian Mountains.


6 Appalachia

7 Pontiac’s Rebellion and Crimes against Humanity
Now that the French had been kicked off the continent, the Native Americans could not longer play the European powers against each other. Recognizing their precarious situation, the Ottawa chief Pontiac led a rebellion with the help of the remaining French forces to drive the British out of the Ohio valley. They managed to destroy all but 3 British posts west of the Appalachian Mountains in what would become known as Pontiac’s Rebellion. In response, the British reacted quickly and brutally, including giving blankets infected with smallpox to the Indians.


9 And so it begins… After Pontiac’s Rebellion, Great Britain passed the Proclamation of 1763 which prevented the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. This was meant to protect the colonists and British interest by preventing another event similar to Pontiac’s Rebellion. However, the colonists saw it as a British encroachment on their independence. The colonists ignored this proclamation and moved west anyway, creating a tension between the colonists and British government. Most famously, the Paxton Boys, moved into the Pennsylvania frontier massacring Indians along the way.

10 Paxton Boys

11 Essential Questions Why did Great Britain practice a policy of Salutary Neglect in the 150 years leading up to the French and Indian War? Why did this change during and after the French and Indian War? Who was George Washington and how did the French and Indian War affect his career? Who were the Iroquois? How did Great Britain’s and the colonist’s relationship with Native Americans change after the French and Indian War? What was the Albany Plan of Union? Who created it? How does it connect to the United States Constitution? Describe Pontiac’s Rebellion. What caused it? How did it end? How did Pontiac’s Rebellion lead to the Proclamation of 1763? How did the colonists respond to the Proclamation of 1763? Who were the Paxton Boys?

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