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BOOK FAIR TOMORROW Bellwork Monday: QOD: Who is your favorite athlete?

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Presentation on theme: "BOOK FAIR TOMORROW Bellwork Monday: QOD: Who is your favorite athlete?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BOOK FAIR TOMORROW Bellwork Monday: QOD: Who is your favorite athlete?
TURN IN last week’s bellwork paper.  Start a new one for today. Describe this picture in a paragraph using sentence patterns #3, 13, and 4. You can use these in any order you’d like. Also use 1 of your College Readiness 1-3 words. Make sure to write in the mongoose’s perspective. BOOK FAIR TOMORROW

2 Bellwork Tuesday QOD: None Today 
Hurry! Come in, sit down, and put your stuff in your desk! Make sure you have your money. We are leaving for the book fair as soon as I take attendance 

3 Bellwork Wednesday: QOD: If you were trapped on a desert island and could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Use sentence patterns 15 and 13 to describe this picture. Also use TWO of your College Readiness 1-3 words, too!!!! Write in 3rd person objective POV.

4 Homeroom: Act like I expect you to and you don’t have a seating chart.
No, you CAN’T go to your locker. You should get everything you need before homeroom starts. Please work SILENTLY! We have a lot of kids working on getting things completed before the grading period ends. If you do not, you are automatically Chill Chaired #callhome #dealwithit Get a book if you have nothing else to work on. I will only allow people WITH MONEY to go to the book fair. Raise your hand and I’ll let you go two at a time.

5 Bellwork Thursday: QOD: None 
You have your FIRST College Readiness REVIEW TEST today!!! You have 4 minutes to study!

6 When you’re finished: QUADRUPLE CHECK YOUR SPELLING!
Be respectful and silent so the people around you can focus. Turn your answer sheet in to the tray. Put your quiz paper in the pink tray where the Grace Day Clipboard usually is. Have you finished reading Rikki-Tikki? Do it. Answer the Analysis questions I gave you for Rikki. Think really hard, they are meant to trip you up a little. You need to look back at the text to be able to answer them correctly. Use complete sentences and RACES when it tells you to. (RACECES – 2 pieces of evidence minimum) Turn them in when you’re finished.  Work on your Cat vs. Rat prompt! (Everything is due tomorrow. Yes, you get a grace day the Monday we get back from Fall Break!) READ A BOOK! Borrow one of mine if you don’t have one.  (Drawing is not reading a book. #bruh)

7 ^^^ If there was a bonus. There is NOT one today.
EXAMPLE! 87 + 3 90 Number Missed Grade 1 95 2 90 3 85 4 5 75 6 70 7 65 8 60 9 55 10 50 11 45 Number Missed Grade 12 40 13 35 14 30 15 16 You’re a wizard! ^^^ If there was a bonus. There is NOT one today.

8 Bellwork Friday: QOD: Who do you consider your best friend(s)? (LIMIT: 2) PICK UP YOUR NEW COLLEGE READINESS LIST FROM THE BASKET ON YOUR WAY IN THE ROOM. Glue in appropriately in your spiral and circle the words you are unfamiliar with.

9 Bellwork Tuesday: QOD: None 
Describe this picture in a paragraph using sentence patterns # 2, 14, and 3. You can use these in any order you’d like. Also use 2 of your College Readiness 1-3 words. Write in the perspective of one of the Indian men. (The man in the chair is British….just FYI)

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