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Middle Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle Colonies

2 Climate and Geography A flat land with rich and rocky soil
It has warm summers and cold winters Its hotter than the New England Colonies but colder than the Southern Colonies

3 Important People William Penn- An English quaker who founded the Pennsylvania Colonies Peter Stuyvesant- The Dutch governor of New Netherland and gave his power to the English King Charles II- Wanted control of the Middle Colonies

4 Government The Middle Colonies had a local representative government along with being under the rule of the king of England

5 Education, Lifestyle, and Jobs
The father was considered the head of a family of about seven children, uncles, aunts, and grandparents People wore clothes out of anything they could afford such as linen or cotton Some jobs were farming, glass blowers, silver smiths, tailors, ironworking, fur trapping, soap making,artisans, and brick making

6 Entertainment and Recreation
Children played games such as tag, hide and seek, marbles, chess, and hopscotch Not many children had toys so when it was cold outside they made toys of their own

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