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HBHM Award: Smoking, Mental Health and Physical Activity

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Presentation on theme: "HBHM Award: Smoking, Mental Health and Physical Activity"— Presentation transcript:

1 HBHM Award: Smoking, Mental Health and Physical Activity

2 Smoking and Mental Health
Smoking and Physical Activity You be the judge #befreeachievemore Questions and discussion

3 Smoking and mental health

4 How is smoking linked to mental health?
There is a strong link between smoking and mental health (MH) issues, especially among adolescents and young adults. People with MH issues have: higher smoking rates, smoke more every day and are more addicted to nicotine. Consistent evidence from research shows that stopping smoking is associated with improvements in depression, anxiety, stress and psychological quality of life. What is perceived as stress relief from smoking is usually relief from nicotine withdrawal. When somebody says that smoking calms them down, it’s often more a combination of moving away from a stressful situation, taking deep breaths and topping up on dopamine (the body’s ‘feel-good’ hormone) – but it comes at a high mental and physical price.

5 evidence is consistent with the conclusion that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between smoking and depression, in which cigarette smoking increases the risk of symptoms of depression.

6 Smoking and MH Medication?
Smoking affects the way in which some MH medications are metabolised. It means that because they smoke, they’ll need to be on a higher doses – and therefore at a higher risk of its side-effects – than if they were a non-smoker. 

7 Smoking and physical activity

8 Your body during physical activity
What are the main organs of your body involved in physical activity? Lungs Veins and arteries Heart Taking in oxygen and transferring it into the bloodstream. Also expelling CO2 at the same time. Carry oxygen to your muscles and organs. (The more strenuous the activity, the more oxygen is needed) Works hard to pump the blood around the body to the organs and muscles that need oxygen.

9 How does smoking affect these organs?
These organs that are vital for physical activity are seriously affected by smoking : Smoking damages the heart and blood circulation. Toxins from cigarette smoke: make your blood thicker and increase chances of blood clots; increase blood pressure and heart rate, making your heart work harder than normal; and narrow your arteries, reducing the amount of oxygen-rich blood circulating to your organs. Your lungs are badly affected by smoking, and a build-up of sticky tar clogs the lungs where oxygen and CO2 are transferred in and out of the bloodstream.

10 "It's wrong to assume that if you're an athlete and have super lung function, smoking doesn't matter. You're making such demands on your lungs that any impairment will affect performance. These guys work at 120% of normal, so a few percentage points off their lung function could be the difference between a gold and a bronze.“ Quote from Stephen Spiro, deputy chairman of the British Lung Foundation,


12 Physical Activity Mental Health Smoking
Stopping smoking can improve mental health and increase self-confidence Studies have shown that stopping smoking reduces depression, anxiety and stress

13 Physical Activity Mental Health Smoking
Stopping smoking increases endurance and physical ability Physical Activity Mental Health Smoking Physical activity triggers the release of dopamine which helps to reduce cravings from withdrawal

14 A common thread among all three areas therefore seems to be dopamine
Exercise and physical activity triggers dopamine release (even non-strenuous exercise) Body craves dopamine during withdrawal and smoking triggers dopamine release Dopamine release increases the feeling of wellbeing. It is the body’s ‘feel-good’ hormone

15 Before we look at examples of work done in previous years, lets chat about your current plans for 2018/19

16 You be the judge


18 Smokeline number and www. quityourway
Smokeline number and for stop-smoking advice to be displayed across institution, throughout the year, if possible in areas where people congregate to smoke.

19 Something to consider NHS Web2Print


21 Stop-smoking and smoking prevention resources (including benefits of being smoke-free) available in multiple locations throughout the year.


23 Run either an awareness campaign on physical activity or a smoking prevention awareness campaign on campus (this should be focused on prevention and not quitting).


25 Use of social media channels to signpost students to stop-smoking resources, including promoting plus the importance of physical activity and maintaining good mental health.



28 At least one smoking prevention or stop-smoking event each semester (e
At least one smoking prevention or stop-smoking event each semester (e.g. during freshers’ and re-freshers’ week or during March for No Smoking Day)



31 Have a smoking prevention or smoking reduction plan in place and made known to the student body (e.g. having or working towards a ‘clean air’ or ‘smoke free’ campus).



34 #befreeachievemore

35 #befreeachievemore

36 The stars depend on how you use it
Posters, handouts and activities Posters and ‘handouts’ throughout the year Just having the posters up 1 star 2 stars 3 or 4 stars depending on the activity

37 Questions and discussion

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