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What is The Smith System?

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Presentation on theme: "What is The Smith System?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is The Smith System?

2 The Smith System is a system of driving guidelines designed to help you drive safely and defensively. These guidelines include the following:

3 Aim high in Steering Look well ahead of your vehicle as you drive. As a general rule, try to look seconds ahead.

4 Keep your eyes moving Search the scene constantly. Stay alert for changes on or near the roadway that might require you to adjust the speed or position of your vehicle.

5 Get the big picture Search the whole scene not just part of it.
Learn to look for things w/ crash potential Ex: vehicles, pedestrians, immovable objects, objects that block vision

6 Make sure that others see you
You must communicate with drivers and pedestrians. Make eye contact if possible. Drive with lights on at all times EX: use blinkers, brake lights, hand signals, etc.

7 Leave yourself a way out
Always leave yourself a path of escape-a way to avoid a collision. As your judgement of time and space improve, you will learn to anticipate dangerous actions and minimize your risk

8 Which of the Smith system guidelines is being used in the following example?

9 The Smith system cont. You see a vehicle stopped ahead of you so you tap your brakes so the car behind you know they need to prepare to stop.

10 Make sure others see you.
Answer: Make sure others see you.

11 The Smith system cont. You leave a responsible distance between you and the car in front of you, stopped at an intersection, so you can move around it to avoid a collision.

12 Leave yourself a way out.
Answer: Leave yourself a way out.

13 The Smith system cont. You scan a ½ mile ahead of your vehicle as you travel down the interstate, looking for possible hazards.

14 Answer: Aim high and look ahead

15 The Smith system cont. As you drive down the road and scan the scene, you notice children playing by the roadside.

16 Answer: Keep your eyes moving.

17 The Smith system cont. You see the whole scene at an intersection, not just the car in front of you.

18 Answer: See the big picture.

19 Be safe!

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