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Using Abyasa to complete a Lesson Observation

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1 Using Abyasa to complete a Lesson Observation
Professional Journey File Section 2 Associate Teacher Assessment /Review Please also refer the guidance for Lesson Observation in the Mentor Guide and the additional PowerPoint available on this site.

2 Section 2: Weekly Lesson Observation
This form is to be used by Mentors and University Link Tutors (ULTs) when observing ATs. ATs should keep a copy of this with the linked lesson planning documents and resources. Each week an AT is entitled to a formal written observation by a trained mentor, on the University of Chester lesson observation proforma; This form is to be used by Mentors and University Link Tutors (ULTs) when observing ATs. ATs should keep a copy of this with the linked lesson planning documents and resources.

3 Keep a hard copy and upload to Abyasa
You will notice that ATs are required to keep this in hard copy and on Abyasa. Our expectation is that the lesson observation is added onto Abyasa and written into during and after the observation. If for any reason this is not possible, in the event of technical difficulty, then a paper copy can be written, scanned and uploaded.

4 Adding the lesson observation to Abyasa
The web address for Abyasa is: As a mentor you will be invited to join Abyasa, by the AT The Abyasa Login screen looks like this . The Associate Teacher uses his / her student number and personal password to gain access. Then click Log in

5 On the Home page, click Add and select Observation from the drop down menu, then select unscheduled observation and click Add

6 The lesson observation template is then added to the profile
The lesson observation template is then added to the profile. To see it, click view The word Prep or Review or Complete will appear in the bottom left corner indicate the stages of completion Prep – the document has been added Review – information has been added but it is not yet finished Complete – the document has the relevant sections and signatures all filled in

7 The date will need to be added
The observation linked to the current placement school The date will need to be added Sub - Standards that are to be the focus of the observation need to be entered.

8 The focus sub Standards need to be ‘clicked’
The focus sub Standards need to be ‘clicked’ . The boxes are then typed into as you would write into a paper copy. The focus sub Standards are only graded after there has been dialogue between the mentor and AT Please note: there is no longer the expectation that S2 and S3 are commented on in every lesson observation​.

9 After the lesson, the AT and mentor should engage in dialogue concerning the lesson and the focus sub Standard, using the continuum for guidance. (For further support in this area see the Coaching Script in the Mentor Guide). Following the dialogue, the areas discussed are bullet pointed, to be followed up in the Weekly Meeting. The purpose of the dialogue is to encourage the AT it identify how he/she has met the identified sub Standards in the lesson and at what level. Together, mentor and AT decide the level through shared use of the Teachers’ Standards Continuum. The Key Strengths of the lesson should be identified together and added to this section with Standards clearly defined (eg: S1a: Mutual Respect in evidence - it is clear that you give respect to gain respect (see further detail in S1 comment).

10 Attachments. We would expect every AT to add the lesson plan, any PPT that has been used and any resources provided to support the learning. The lesson evaluation and assessment should be added as soon as they are completed Multiple files can be added at Prep and Review stages.

11 Signatures Please ensure that these are all added electronically

12 Saving the lesson observation
Saving the lesson observation. The Lesson Observation can then be saved as Review if it is not finished or complete if all sections are finished. I The Lesson Observation needs to be kept electronically and in hard copy so the AT can export this as a PDF, or send it to him/herself as an to print out and add to their file. I

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