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How truthful are you?.

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Presentation on theme: "How truthful are you?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How truthful are you?

2 A) Say yes, but that’s because it is big.
Question 1: A female friend asks if her bum looks big in her new dress. It does. Do you: A) Say yes, but that’s because it is big. B) Avoid the question by praising the dress. C) Say you didn’t notice because you were admiring her new hairdo. D) Say no, it looks fine.

3 A) Admit the truth and go home.
Question 2: You are challenged about your age going into an 18 certificate film. Do you: A) Admit the truth and go home. B) Pretend not to have heard the question. C) Tell them that you are 18 years-old. D) Say that this happens all the time, claim to be 23 and produce a fake I.D.

4 Question 3: Your teacher asks why your homework is overdue. Do you:
A) Admit that you haven’t done it yet, and you’re not sure when you will get it done. B) Avoid admitting that you haven’t done it and promise to hand it in tomorrow. C) Say that you have done it and will bring it tomorrow. D) Claim to have left it on the teacher’s desk and complain that she must have lost it.

5 Question 4: Your friend is hiding from bullies, who ask if you have seen him. Do you:
A) Tell them where he is. B) Tell them that you saw him in registration, but don’t say that you have seen him more recently. C) Make up a story about having seen him heading for the playground. D) Tell them that your friend has transferred to a school in Australia.

6 A) Tell them that the man in the video is your father.
Question 5: Your Dad is on YouTube, dancing exuberantly at a wedding. Friends at school are laughing at the video. Do you: A) Tell them that the man in the video is your father. B) Laugh along and hope no one recognises your Dad. C) Delete the and say that you didn’t receive it. D) Claim to have posted the video, and that the man is a stranger who just turned up at a family wedding.

7 If you answered mostly A:
You always tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, no matter how much hot water it might land you – or other people – in.

8 If you answered mostly B:
You try to tell the truth, but have a tendency to be selective about which bits of the truth you are going to tell.

9 If you answered mostly C:
You mix things up, combining the truth with well-chosen white lies. Where’s the harm in that – particularly when it gets you out of trouble?

10 If you answered mostly D:
Someone explained the concept of truth to you once, but you didn’t believe them. Lies are easier, more inventive and a lot more fun. Ever thought about a career in politics?

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