Upcoming, Important Dates:

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Presentation on theme: "Upcoming, Important Dates:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Upcoming, Important Dates:
02/01/2018 Upcoming, Important Dates: Add these dates to your agenda, as they apply to you: THIS WEEK: Thursday – Talent Show Rehearsal (4:30-6:00) Friday– Talent Show Rehearsal - 6:00 NEXT WEEK: Tues. (02/06) – PBIS T-Shirt & Jeans Wednesday (02/07) – Progress Reports Thursday (02/08)– Jeans & Jerseys - $1.00 - Buddy Day/Club Pictures If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 02/01/18
First, submit your “Inferences Worksheet 6” from yesterday to the homework bin. Then, open to your double-entry journals in your I.A.N. Be sure that they are labeled #1-5! Next, get out your writing response/short essay sheet from yesterday. Did you: Write a short essay (3-4 paragraphs)? Use proper nouns, common nouns, adjectives, and verbs? and Highlight all adjectives and verbs before turning it in? Quiz tomorrow on chapters 1-5 your novel!

3 Language Arts – Work Session 02/01/18
Essential Questions: How can talking and working with others help one analyze a novel? How do internal and external forces help people grow? Standard: ELASE6RL1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Learning Targets: Identify claims. Elect your position on these claims. Support your claim with logical reasoning and relevant evidence.

4 Language Arts – Work Session 02/01/18
Writing Response – Short Essay As explained in the instructions, choose one of the prompts and: Write a short essay (3-4 paragraphs); Use proper nouns, common nouns, adjectives, and verbs; and Highlight all adjectives and verbs before turning it in. If you finish early, complete your study guide, any incomplete double-entry journals (you should have 5), reading portfolio work, and read any missing chapters.

5 Language Arts – Closing Session 02/01/18
Novel Studies – Literature Circles Complete work on your role based on what we have read so far. I will collect these completed sheets (front and back) on Mondays and Thursdays beginning Monday (02/05). Double-entry journals will be checked on Wednesdays and Fridays, beginning this Friday (01/26). Homework: Finish your short essay. It is due by tomorrow. Novel Quiz – Chapters TOMORROW Complete any incomplete folder work or double-entry journals. Biblionasium & Book Check-outs – 03/02

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