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Establishment of Christianity and the Fall of Rome October 4 & 5, 2018

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1 Establishment of Christianity and the Fall of Rome October 4 & 5, 2018
The Roman Empire Establishment of Christianity and the Fall of Rome October 4 & 5, 2018

2 October 4th: Intro to Christianity
Today’s focus will be the rise of Christianity and it’s impact on the Roman Empire. Thinking back to our study of the Israelites, you will notice a lot of similarities. Remember not to make judgements; religion is an important aspect of historical understanding!

3 Rise of Christianity in Rome
As you know, Judaism was practiced in Judea (Israel) and influenced other monotheistic religions. In 4B.C., Jesus of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) was born in Judea. When Judea fell under Roman control, Roman leaders began persecuting the Jews. Jesus was eventually crucified by the Romans (traditional method of execution)

4 Rise of Christianity in Rome
After his death, his followers believed he rose from the dead, and the community they formed eventually became the Christian Church. Christians believed he was the Son of God and the awaited Messiah (Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament  Big difference between Judaism and Christianity!!! To learn more about the rise and spread of Christianity and it’s impact on the Roman Empire, read pgs and complete the worksheet.

5 Review: Christianity Explain the causes and effects of Jesus’ execution. How did Christianity differ from Judaism? How was Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire? What made it popular? What eventually allowed Christianity to become the official religion of Rome? Explain!

6 Rise of Christianity in Rome

7 October 5th: Fall of Rome
Why did the Roman Empire end? Today, you will read about several possible theories……

8 DISCUSSION……. The Roman Empire continued to grow during the period of Pax Romana, but by the late 300’s, the Empire suffered severe problems that will lead to their eventual downfall in the 5th century. WHY? How could a strong empire, like Rome, collapse? What would lead to the downfall of an empire? What do YOU think???

9 Why did the Empire collapse?
Historians continually debate the real reason why the Roman Empire collapsed Most agree it was between the 4th-5th centuries Many theories have been explored and most concern the breakdown of political, economic, military, and other social institutions Combined with barbarian invasions and internal conflict Romulus Augustus, the last Roman emperor of the West, was overthrown by a Barbarian in 476.



12 Throughout the 5th century, the Empire’s territories in Europe and Africa fell to various invading or indigenous peoples 476AD – Division of the Empire Western Territory – Roman Empire; Eastern Territory – Byzantine Empire

13 Ten Theories on the Fall of Rome
Historians continually debate the real reason why the Roman Empire collapsed (Most agree it was between the 4th-5th centuries) To learn more about why Rome fell, you are going to read ten theories that attempt to explain exactly HOW and WHY the empire collapsed. As you read, you will complete the corresponding worksheet. You will then write your own personal analysis……what do YOU think led to the fall of Rome? The theories include: Barbarian invasions, decline in morals/values, environment/health problems, excessive military spending, inferior technology, inflation, political corruption, rise in Christianity, unemployment & urban decay/overpopulation

14 Closure: Why did Rome fall? Discuss!
Economic Reasons Rich vs. Poor; high taxes; lower classes couldn’t afford goods = slow down of trade Political Reasons No orderly succession – revolts/civil wars common; corruption increased Military Reasons Conquered people absorbed into military but not loyal to Rome; Empire became too big; invasions from neighbors could not be stopped Social Reasons Plague, War, religious divisions after rise of Christianity

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