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Integrated Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum
Charles Barnum Elementary School

2 Positive communication between school and home is a priority at Charles Barnum
Blue Folders: please empty daily Tuesday Newsletters: School-wide events CB Monthly Newsletters Weekly Communication Sheets include skills, vocabulary, books and events Family Art Projects: Please help your child Open Door Policy: Stop in anytime, but please check in office and get badge

3 Progress Reports Progress reports will be given in January and in June. Parent/ Teacher conferences are in October and April If you have any concerns or questions about your child, please let us know at any time.

4 Daily Arrival Routine Hang up coats/backpacks/take out folders
Wash hands Table time/Book time Circle time Hello song Morning message Visual schedule Weather Calendar

5 Preschool Benchmarks Children are assessed in the following areas:
Cognitive Personal-Social Motor Creative

6 Cognitive Development
Experiments, observes and comments Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems Sorts objects Recognizes and makes patterns Compares and orders events Counts 1-10/1-20 Uses positional words (in, high, under) Uses complex sentences to describe events Understands and participates in conversations Shows understanding of stories Displays knowledge of books and print Identifies and uses writing to convey meaning

7 Personal-Social Shows self direction with a variety of materials
Sustains attention to task Participates in group activities Manages transitions, follows rules and routines Uses words to express emotions Show empathy to others Interacts cooperatively with peers Works to solve conflicts

8 Motor Fine Motor: Small Muscles Gross Motor: Large Muscles
Scribbles, lines, shapes, letters Puzzles, scissors, playdough, manipulatives Gross Motor: Large Muscles Dance & Movement Activities Climbing, jumping, hopping, ball skills, swinging, running, letting kids be kid Cares for self independently: Toileting, zipping outerwear, washing hands, taking care of personal belongings

9 Creative Builds and constructs to represent own ideas
Draws and paints to represent own ideas Represents experiences and fantasy in pretend play Sings and responds to music

10 Learning Centers Are set up to foster specific skills
Teach children to play cooperatively Encourage teamwork Encourage imagination Increase language development Reinforce and teach readiness skills

11 Dramatic Play Center Oral language Decision-making skills
Cooperation and problem solving skills Social skills Self-expression Imaginative thinking skills Role-playing skills Fine motor

12 Science Center Asks questions Make predictions and draw conclusions
Conduct simple experiments Gather information Communicate observations Solve problems Think critically Use a variety of tools

13 Table Toys Problem solving skills Fine motor skills Logical reasoning
Eye-hand coordination Spatial awareness Independence Self-help skills Oral language

14 Arts and Crafts Pre-writing skills Planning skills
Color and shape recognition Concepts of symmetry Sensory awareness Creativity and self-expression A sense of accomplishment

15 Listening Center Comprehension skills Fluency
Associations between written and spoken words Associations between letters and sounds Vocabulary Pacing, intonation and expression Rhythm Listening skills

16 Library Center/Book Time
Comprehension Literacy skills Print and book awareness Vocabulary Letter recognition Associations between letters and sounds A love for literature Listening skills

17 Promethean Board Smart Board
Interactive board Children have access to Board several times a week Reinforces reading, math skills and turn taking

18 Writing Center Letter formation skills
A sense of left to right directionality Associations between letters and sounds Communication skills Self-expression Creativity Fine motor skills

19 Music/Movement Rhythm Balance and coordination Gross motor skills
Creativity Self-expression Listening skills

20 Math Center Number recognition and counting skills
One to one correspondence Associations between numbers and quantities Sequencing skills Sorting and classifying skills Addition and subtractions skills An understanding of shapes Measurement concepts Spatial awareness Patterning

21 Cold & Flu Season has begun….
If your child is sick with a cough or excessive runny nose, please keep them home. Children must wash hands after covering coughs and blowing nose. 24 hour rule applies: 24 hours without a fever, vomiting or diarrhea

22 Parent Volunteers Read stories Play games Help with art projects
Make special snacks Cut out projects Share your talents We welcome helping hands Confidentiality is a must! Volunteers must attend Volunteer Orientation

23 Check out our website~ Go to
Select school: Charles Barnum This has school-wide information To get classroom information: Go to staff Click on the teacher’s name

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