Welcome! January 11th, 2018 Thursday

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! January 11th, 2018 Thursday"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! January 11th, 2018 Thursday
Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Thursday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find the errors in the post. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Correct the spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors in the following social media post.
@SocialMediaSlipUps © Presto Plans

3 dinner: Dinner was misspelled.
giant, delicious: Commas are used to separate two adjectives beside each other. dinner: Dinner was misspelled. wedding, yet: A comma is used to separate two sentences with a conjunction (yet). unacceptable: Unacceptable was misspelled. guess, I: Commas separate introductory elements from the rest of the sentence. too: Too is a synonym for also or means an excess of something. To is a preposition. Congratulations, John and Mindy: Congratulations was misspelled. A comma is added as it is a direct address. The names should also be capitalized. It was the best night ever: Individual words can not be complete sentences. © Presto Plans

4 ANgl0-Saxon Presentations!
As your classmates present, make sure you pay attention – the background knowledge will be useful when we begin reading Beowulf next week!  After each presentation, use the note-taking sheet to write down the two quiz questions they give and their answers below.

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