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Meet the Teacher – August 2018 Mrs Greenwood, Miss Mackie, Mrs Medlam

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1 Meet the Teacher – August 2018 Mrs Greenwood, Miss Mackie, Mrs Medlam
Welcome to Primary 1 Meet the Teacher – August 2018 Mrs Greenwood, Miss Mackie, Mrs Medlam

2 Topics August – October : All About Me
Myself and my family, People who help us in school. Celebrations: The Box Meeting October – December : Into the Woods Woodlands, Autumn, Night and Day Trip to the woods January – March : Spring and Toys How Toys Move : Forces The Wonder of Water April – July : Community /Safety/Transport At work and play, travelling safely and buildings Topics

3 Monday – PE. Music. Homework and Learning Logs to be returned
Tuesday – Free healthy snack, Homework issued Wednesday – Free healthy snack, Thursday – Free healthy snack, Assembly, Music (after Oct break), PE Friday – PE, Free packed lunch, Learning Journals home Please ensure that everything that comes to school is labelled. Water only in water bottles please. Please provide a change of clothes in case of accidents. Snacks timetable

4 RWI – read and write sounds for the week
RWI – read and write sounds for the week. Sound out and read green words. Make up words using sound flashcards. Each week there will be 5 new sounds (4 on a short week). Please continue to practise ALL sounds. Pure sounds. Formation. Numeracy – Mathletics, after the September break. Please check homework folder for other communication. homework

5 Growth Mindset develops a self belief in a child that they can succeed even although the work is difficult to start with. I can do this I can’t do this yet! We praise the effort and not the end result. “You have really tried to improve your spelling and that can be seen in your work” Rather than “Well done you are a good speller” Growth Mindset

6 Asks questions Solves problems Loves to learn
Our School Values Curious Positive Successful Asks questions Solves problems Loves to learn Has self-belief Shows resilience Is kind and helpful Always tries hard Wants to improve Achieves success

7 Literacy Programme – reading, writing, handwriting and spelling.
Model example – assisted blending, fred fingers, fred talk, fred in your head. No Setting, children will work in groups within their classes. Read, Write, Inc.

8 Numeracy Number Counts East Lothian numeracy frameworks
Mathematisation and distancing the setting. Mathletics homework will reinforce work being taught in class. Numeracy

9 These will be sent out on a Tuesday to come back in on a Monday.
They will contain information about your child’s progress in class. They will evolve over the course of the year. They are an assessment tool so it is essential that they come back to school every week. Please add a parental comment on their learning for the week. Learning Logs

10 How you can help your child.
Help with homework – provide a quiet space/dedicated time, build it into your week. Check for correct pencil grip. Reinforce correct formation. Count backwards as well as forwards. Read text around you. Read to your child every day – this can be anything! (recipes, shopping list, magazines, stories, leaflets, online, game instructions) Talk about experiences – ‘What was your favourite bit? Why?’ ‘Why do you think…..?’ Class dojo – reinforces positive behaviours and allows for discussion of any red dojos. How you can help your child.

11 Let us know if you have expertise in any topic / activity that you can share.
If you have time in your week and are happy to come into help then please fill in a sheet to let us know when you are free. Junk for the creative area. How you can help CPS

12 Thank you for coming, we look forward to working with you this year.

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